Historian Information The Historian documents all of the events at school all year and then makes a scrapbook at the end of the year to submit for an award in May. The Historian Scrapbook is a tool for the school to use to show new parents what their school is all about and also to help the PTA’s in the future, to look back and see how things were done and to get different ideas.
Where and How do you start to gather information? First I make a folder on my desktop and label it TJE 2016-17. Inside of this folder I will make a folder for each event we have and label it with the date first then the title of the event (10-1-16 PTA Training) I always make sure the date is first to keep in order inside the folder. After the event I will write a paragraph telling about the event, how many people attended, I will tell about the event, what vendors we had and then when I go to do my scrapbook I will have the pictures and information I will need to complete my book.
I log into Costco photo and create a project and label it TJE Historian book 2016-17 and I start my layout. I add my events as I go throughout the year, while the information and event is still fresh in my head. I then save my project and then open it the next time that I have an event to add. Then In April, my book should be complete and it is ready to print. It usually takes 7-10 business days.
I brought samples of my books from the last 5 years at TJE. Feel free to take a look at them. You can see the improvements I made each year. Allowing yourself enough time to complete the book is key and I found over the last 5 years that it is much easier to work on it throughout the year instead of all at one time. My contact info is: Kim Alvarez 904-718-2301 dccptahistoriankimalvarez@gmail.com