William Bradford
His Life born in 1590 orphan joined a Separatist congregation Separatists = wanted to separate from The Church of England - their religious practices were declared illegal bc they didn't agree with the church - that is NOT freedom of religion. Christians today are beginning to face this same discrimination in America, today.
The Pilgrims emigrated (to exit) from England to the Netherlands in 1609 decided to go to the New World for 3 reasons 1. losing youth to corrupt Dutch society 2. having little religious influence on Dutch - had desired to reach the Dutch with the Gospel 3. falling into poverty despite hard work
Mayflower - landed in 1620 as winter was beginning off New England coast NOT Virginia coast more than 1/2 of colonists died the first winter - including Bradford's own wife (they had left their young son in The Netherlands bc of the danger of the journey) Bradford elected 2nd gov. of Plimouth Plantation
Of Plimouth Plantation Record of the Separatists departure from The Netherlands through their establishment of Plimouth Plantation (Cape Cod) started in 1630; he died before it was completed not a journal; description recollection of events theme: Providence of God; the Separatist as pilgrim - someone who is traveling to another place (term Pilgrim not used for this group until after Revolutionary War) One of the best examples of Puritan Plain style
Open literature books to p. 29
The Mayflower Compact landed outside of the area that they had agreed upon in their charter with their financial backers those onboard who weren't Separatists did not feel obligated to obey the charter. agreed to write a compact formulating a new government for their colony. agreement: formulate laws and rules that would be necessary for preserving their colony
Puritan Plain Style rejection of ornateness of 1600 English writers - felt ornateness brought glory to author not God clarity - clear meaning (not vague ideas that could be interpreted many ways) simple word choice and structure few elaborate figurative expressions not contrived - created in a way that seems artificial; forced
LOVE, that liveth and reigneth in my thought, That built his seat within my captive breast ; Clad in the arms wherein with me he fought, Oft in my face he doth his banner rest. She, that taught me to love, and suffer pain ; My doubtful hope, and eke my hot desire With shamefaced cloak to shadow and restrain, Her smiling grace converteth straight to ire. And coward Love then to the heart apace Taketh his flight ; whereas he lurks, and plains His purpose lost, and dare not shew his face. For my Lord's guilt thus faultless bide I pains. Yet from my Lord shall not my foot remove : Sweet is his death, that takes his end by love.