Science Fiction and Fantasy Common Archetypes Science Fiction and Fantasy
Definition of Archetype: the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form ( an archetype is an original model of a person, ideal example, or a prototype upon which others are copied, patterned, or emulated; a symbol universally recognized by all (
Hero Unusual circumstances at birth Leaves family and lives with others Traumatic events lead to quest Special weapon Supernatural help Sometimes: proves self on quest, journey and unhealable wound, atonement with father, spiritual reward
The hero can be saviour or rebel Saviour is the hero who saves the universe Rebel is the leader of a rebellious faction or group looking for a better life Rebel requires a repressive order to fight against
Old man, Sage This type of character is typically represented as a kind and wise, older father-type figure who uses personal knowledge of people and the world to help tell stories and offer guidance that, in a mystical way, may impress upon his audience a sense of who they are and who they might become, thereby acting as a mentor. (
Scientist A person of factual scientific knowledge
Clown/fool Archetype: A “sidekick” who creates comic relief but is instrumental to the hero The fool can actually pass on wisdom to other characters, but may not be obvious on first impressions
The Victim A person or people that need their way of life protected
The enemy, oppressor or monster A bastion of evil Sometimes this character gets transformed Monster is the alien or wild card that threatens life as we know it