#1___: ABSOLUTE LOCATION REVIEW Copy the latitude and longitude, then use the map on pg. A8-9 to identify the capital city and state found at the following absolute location: 47°N, 123°W _______________________ Choose a capital city of a US state (other than the one in #1). Write the city and state and give its absolute location 2. (city & state) ____________________ _____°N, ____°W
#1___: ABSOLUTE LOCATION REVIEW Copy the latitude and longitude, then use the map on pg. A8-9 to identify the capital city and state found at each of the following absolute locations: 47°N, 123°W Olympia, WA Choose two different capital cities. Write the city and state and give the absolute location of each. 2. (city & state) ____________________ _____°N, ____°W