GN2 JRA5 Roaming and Authorisation Jürgen Rauschenbach, DFN-Verein
JRA5 Visions JRA5 will is based on the following visions: To build a roaming infrastructure enabling full mobility of members of the scientific community in Europe across institutional campuses. To build an interoperable authentication and authorisation infrastructure that will be used all over Europe enabling seamless sharing of e-science resources. To develop and pilot a single sign-on system enabling a log in once experience for network and application access, even beyond organisational boundaries.
Visions in examples an employee from University A visiting the research institute B to be given access to local resources (network, library ...) after being authenticated at their home institute; a student from university C taking a course at university D to, after registering on the course, automatically be given access to library data bases and be authorised to work in an e-learning system; the members of a co-operative project between university E and several other universities to be authorised to work in a project support software; a newly appointed administration personnel to automatically be authorised to use administration systems according to the installed access rules.
JRA5 work items Roaming (define, design, prototype and build a NREN roaming infrastructure) Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (define, design, prototype and build a NREN AAI) Single Sign-On (based on roaming and AAI results build an integrated infrastructure for cases that allow SSO) Integration of New Technologies (broaden the scope, integration of MIPv6 and other new appropriate solutions in the mobility field)
Work item distribution
JRA5 state-of-the-art Kick-off 8-9 September in Berlin (27 participants from 19 organisations) followed by a TF-Mobility (new) meeting next day TF Mobility new work items discussed partner presentation showed many activities in the countries on roaming and AA Infrastructures results of TF-Mobility and TF-AACE presented: base line for JRA5 more detailed work plans discussed non-funded part: more contributions then originally planned :-)
Roaming tasks (extended) Roaming glossary of terms (Sept-Oct): review on-going EduRoam portal promotion (Sept-end of project) Investigating the applicability of EduRoam for roaming access to services (Sept-Jan05) Inter-NREN roaming requirements (Oct-Feb05) Policy and legal framework document (Dec-May) Making existing trust fabric more robust (Sep-end) Evaluating the influence of new technologies, architecture blueprint (Dec-Aug05) Requirements for roaming access to commercial networks (Dec-Sept05) Inter-NREN roaming architecture (March05-Aug05)
AAI tasks (extended) Requirement specification (Sep-Dec) Application Interface definition, AA-RR (Sep-Jan05) Architectural definition of the system (Nov-April05) Interface implementation (Feb05-May05) Definition and selection of protocols and profiles to be supported (Jan05-May05) AAI design (June05) Testbed implementation (April05-...) JRA1 AAI proposal and first solution (tbd) Grid AAI observation and evaluation (Sep-end)