Item Bank and Assessments 2018-2019 Inspect Item Bank and Assessments 2018-2019
Inspect Checkpoints (Quick Checks) 600+ short-cycle assessment specifically designed to support classroom assessment programs. 250+ ELA Quick Checks address standards in Reading, Writing, Language, and Foundational Skills. 350+ math Quick Checks address every CCR cluster or concept. 5-7 questions on each Quick Check. Can be used to quickly gauge understanding, plan reteaching, and guide instruction.
Online and Paper-Based Administration *Comprehensive Assessment is Online Only
Item Types
Drop-Down Menu
Evidence Based Selected Response (EBSR)
Non-traditional Selected Response Multiple Correct
Highlight – Selectable Text
Constructed Response
Math Equation Response
Online Performance Task Essays
Matching Tables
Drag and Drop
Drag and Drop - Order
Drag and Drop - Categorize
Graphing – Line
Graphing – Place Point
Illuminate Item Bank: Custom Assessments
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