Typical Characteristics Don’t Want to be in School; Aggressively uninterested in what your teaching; No punishment is impressive enough for them; Sometimes it’s more about what NOT TO DO than it is What TO Do.
Tips Model the behavior you want your students to display; Students learn patience, kindness, respect, and manners NOT by following rules, but by watching how we react to infractions of rules; Physically setup the classroom to avoid problems before they happen. Give students as much space as possible; Allow for unobtrusive movement through your classroom; Avoid empty threats and make sure any consequences you have are enforceable; Remember…you may be only adult your students see behave appropriately;
Demonstrating that rules are necessary Have a few logical rules that are easy to explain– the ‘Whys” of a rule are the most important; Keep it to a few rules 3-5; Reinforce with students rules re there to provide structure and flow and to help them as much as it is to help you—To simplify things and eliminate chaos.
Rebels Come in all shapes and sizes; If you fight them you will lose! Embrace their rebellious style, don’t fear it!