Louise Trygg Energy Efficiency and models for that Louise Trygg, PhD Energy system Linköping University
Louise Trygg Electricity spotprices Sweden and Germany Source: Nordpool 2006, EEX 2006.
Louise Trygg A probable scenario for the development of electricity prices in Sweden Electricity price Continental electricity price Deregulated and competive Deregulated Nordic electricity market Time European electricity market Before deregulation in Sweden, Norway and Finland Swedish electricity price
Louise Trygg Average elspot price for Sweden Source: Nordpool 2006 *) The value for 2006 includes only the months January to August
Louise Trygg The use of electricity per capita in Europe, 2002
Louise Trygg Electricity per value added
Louise Trygg The combination of high electricity use and a high electricity price will lead to an unsustainable situation for Swedish industry. To maintain their competitiveness with industries in the other EU countries, Swedish industries will need to focus on reducing their electricity usage and changing the relation between electricity and fuel.
Louise Trygg Resource effective systems through changes in energy supply and industrial use : the Volvo – Skövde case
Louise Trygg Case study Volvo alters its energy use and converts from electricity and oil to district heating Co-operation on heat supply between Skövde energy utility and Volvo Investment in a new combined heat and power plant for waste incineration
Louise Trygg Annual energy flows in the Volvo Car plant before adjustments
Louise Trygg Analyse of the energy use at the Volvo Car plant More efficient use of electricity in the processes lighting, ventilation and compressed air Reduced use of electricity when no production is active Conversion of space heating, hot tap water and cooling from electricity to district heating
Louise Trygg Annual altered energy flows Reduced use of electricity 35 GWh (44%) Increase use of district heating 42 GWh
Louise Trygg Load duration curves for district heating
Louise Trygg MODEST Model for Optimisation of Dynamic Energy System with Time-dependent components and boundary conditions
Louise Trygg MODEST The aim of the optimisations is to minimise the total cost of supplying the demand for heat and steam by finding the best types and sizes of new investments and the best operation of existing and potential plants. The total system cost is calculated as the present value of all capital costs of new installations, operation and maintenance costs, fuel costs, taxes and fees including income from sold electricity. In this study the system is optimised over a period of 10 years
Louise Trygg Scenarios ScenarioVolvo CarSkövde energy utility 1Reference 2Altered energy useCo-operation 3Altered energy useCo-operation, inv CHP 4Altered energy useCo-operation, inv optimal CHP 5Existing energy system 6Altered energy useCo-operation 7Altered energy useCo-operation, inv CHP 8Altered energy useCo-operation, inv optimal CHP Europ El price
Louise Trygg Total system cost for a period of ten years for the different scenarios
Louise Trygg CO 2 emissions and electricity production
Louise Trygg Concluding results ScenarioDescriptionReduced prod. costs Possibilities to reduce global emissions of CO 2 3 Co-op inv CHP 45%174% 4 Co-op inv opt CHP 48%287% 7 Co-op, inv CHP 56%274% 8 Co-op, inv opt CHP 64%339% Europ El price
Louise Trygg Conclusions Changed industrial energy use, co-operation between the energy utility and the industrial energy user and investment in a new CHP are measures that will lead to a win-win situation for producer and industrial energy users with reduced system cost with about 50% and possibilities to reduce global emission of CO 2 with over 300%.