An A-Z of Coasts A is for Abrasion It wears and scours away. B could be for Beach or Bar (But I think I'll stick with Bay)
C is for Constructive wave Which slowly builds a beach D is for Destructive Let's pray those waves don't reach...
E is for Erosion F could be for Fetch G for Groyne, wooden fences Picked out on your coastal sketch
H – Hydraulic Pressure Getting into cracks Cutting out an Inlet There's really no way back
J is for the Joint and weakness Exploited by the waves Kinetic, moving energy Opens out a cave
L is Longshore Drift As sediment is shifted What has happened? Where's it gone? Has it been longshore drifted?
M could be for Mappleton Upon the Holderness coast And if we're talking cliff erosion M could stand for Most
N is for the Notch that's formed Right at the headland's base O is for the Overhang (The jutting out cliff face)
P might stand for Pebbles Washed upon the shore Q for Quick – the speed of waves Unless slowed by the Ocean floor
R might stand for Rip Rap S for Coastal Spit T for Traction, boulders rolled shifted bit by bit
U could be Unstable V for Vertical face Put the two together And the rocks fall to the base
W is Wave Cut platform A reminder of what was there. Once a cliff, standing proud Now scantily clad and bare.
X is Xerophytic Like the Marram Grass on a Spit It can cope with dry conditions And it simply will not quit.
Y could stand for Yellow On the beach – the golden sand It's there one minute, gone the next Zig-zagged from the land.
An A to Z of coastal terms; There's lots there that we've learned And much like the sea as it meets the coast We've left no stone unturned MF Cowan 2008 Like this? If so, visit the link below for more free resources and details of a book devoted to Poems for the Geography classroom