Lesson 5 | Growing Up Female 1 Grade 5 | Lesson 5
Puberty Pointers for Male Bodies Lesson 5 | Growing Up Female Puberty Pointers for Male Bodies Reduce body and foot odor. Care for skin. Keep hair healthy. Expect nocturnal emissions. Know whether you are circumcised or uncircumcised. Avoid jock itch. Wear an athletic supporter. Form healthy relationships. Anticipate crushes. Understand your curiosity. Decide to wait. 2 Grade 5 | Lesson 5
Puberty Pointers for Female Bodies Lesson 5 | Growing Up Female Puberty Pointers for Female Bodies Reduce body and foot odor. Care for skin. Keep hair healthy. Prepare for menstruation. Know how to handle cramps. Recognize normal vaginal secretions. Avoid vaginal infections. Form healthy relationships. Anticipate crushes. Understand your curiosity. Decide to wait. 3 Grade 5 | Lesson 5
Puberty Pointers for Everybody Lesson 5 | Growing Up Female Puberty Pointers for Everybody Reduce body and foot odor. Form healthy relationships. Care for skin. Anticipate crushes. Keep hair healthy. Understand your curiosity. Decide to wait. Males Females • E x p e c t n o u r a l m i s P f K w h y d A v j k R g z W 4 Grade 5 | Lesson 5