1. - Explain what growth and development is, SIT UP LISTEN ASK & ANSWER NOD TRACK Unit 2 task 1 1. - Explain what growth and development is, - the different areas in which we grow and develop e.g. intellectual/physical….. (research in your books or the internet for more.) - what fine and gross motor skills are. 2. Create a table or paragraphs to show the milestones of a young child 0-5 years. Make sure this is saved as it will also be used for coursework as well as revision. Use your work books to help you write up the information. C-D C-B A-B Describe the expected pattern of development of children aged 0-5 years for one of the areas of development Identify suitable methods for observing children’s holistic development Give ONE (1) advantage and ONE (1) disadvantage of each of the identified methods