Education and Employment Interventions for Disconnected Youth National Conference on Ending Family and Youth Homelessness July 23 - 25, 2018
The mission of Larkin Street Youth Services is to create a continuum of services that inspires youth to move beyond the street. We will nurture potential, promote dignity, and support bold steps by all.
Youth Homelessness - San Francisco 2.6 times less likely to have a high school education than the general youth population 1.5 times less likely to be employed than the general youth population One third of youth said economic factors (lost job, raised rent, etc) were the primary reason they became homeless
Continuum of Services
Larkin Street Youth - Education At entry to housing… Less than half of youth are enrolled in school More than half do not have any post-secondary experience
Larkin Street Youth - Employment At entry to housing… Approximately 1 out of 3 youth are unemployed The costs of early periods of unemployment are significant and long-term
Barriers to Success Significantly behind academically Larkin Street’s youth have significant gaps in their educational and career attainment… Significantly behind academically Need specialized help to catch up Most are over-age (limited funding) Few models exist to support this population Barriers to attaining higher paying jobs/careers Lack of job readiness Lack of educational attainment Larkin Street’s lack of relationships with employers Greater need to work Need flexible schedule to manage both work and school Need support finding a job and embarking on a career track Significant life challenges Need for integrated case management that promotes academic achievement Need additional wrap-around services, e.g., mental health, substance abuse …and they face significant challenges in realizing future success
Organizational Outcomes 75% of youth will sustain safe and stable housing 2. education 60% of youth will be on track to obtain post-secondary credentials 1. housing 3. employment 80% of youth will have achieved the first step toward self- sustaining employment 4. wellness 80% of youth will have achieved physical and emotional wellness
Larkin Street Academy Larkin Street Academy Ultimate Outcomes Advanced Programs Learning Centers College Success Career-track internships Target Population: Youth ready to take the next step towards college and career Engagement Programs GED tutoring, job readiness training, financial literacy, day labor Target Population: Youth with limited workforce experience or needing reconnection to education
What Do We Need Long onramps for youth Service rich housing programs Services provided within a positive youth development framework Innovative public/private partnerships that create career pathways Significant investment of time and resources
Larkin Street Youth Services Contact Information Sherilyn Adams, LCSW Executive Director Larkin Street Youth Services 134 Golden Gate Ave San Francisco, CA 94102