Examining our Love in the Mirror
"I'm glad that's not me!"
Not me becomes us
Revelations 3:15-19 The church had a love problem They were wealthy and comfortable with life Maybe thought God had blessed them Mirror revealed true self
Do I have a love problem with God?
Would You describe yourself as totally in love with Jesus?
Do you gauge your morality by comparing yourself to others? We may not be the most faithful but we are not like those who are bad The mirror reveals a Pharisee's prayer (Luke 18:11-12) The winner went to his house more right with God than the Pharisee The sinner focused on himself and not others when in came to sin
Do you love Jesus as part of your life or all of your life? "I will follow you wherever you go" Jesus said basically He was homeless (Luke 9:58) Would you go there with Him? We may always say in prayer and confession "I will follow always" But... Matthew 16:25
Do you love hearing the story more than obeying it? Do you enjoy feel good stories? Are moved by the stories in the mirror? Why not obey it? Matthew 21:28-31 Which son truly loved his father?
Do you love to think more about life on earth than eternity in heaven? Our daily life of to-do lists Rarely do we consider the life to come until we get older Philippians 3:18-20
What does the mirror say about your love for God?