SOEASI Log onto JPA to run the reports Ensure your in the correct month You can only run SOEASI once per month Security Assistance Group
Log onto JPA and then HR Admin
Log on the Dash Board
Log on to Army Assurance Reports V002
First SMART then SOE Report excluding SF
Click on to organisation Name
Find your units name and add.
Once you have found the units you need and have added them to the report then click apply.
Once that has run scroll down the page to the export then you need to click data then Tab delimted Format. Save the file in your monthly prints or wherever you required to by the sys co-ord.
Next load up SOEASI then data management Access the Pay and Smart area. Security Assistance Group
Then import Security Assistance Group
Once that is done then download and follow the steps on screen. Click first on SMART and find where you have save the SMART file and then double click on it. Do the same for SOE Once that is done then download and follow the steps on screen. Security Assistance Group
Assurance Reports Security Assistance Group
This will then bring up the SMART screen Security Assistance Group
Click generate data then select the print you require Click generate data then select the print you require. Click excel and this will then produce an excel spreadsheet with the data you have requested. Security Assistance Group
. Security Assistance Group
TO look at the pay statement click on Review Individuals Security Assistance Group
This is the main screen. You can fliter you sub units pay statements by click on your sub unit via the Organisation Name Security Assistance Group
You can also check how many days you reservists have completed that month by clicking on days train in the details to show drop down. Security Assistance Group
Reservist Leave To be entered onto JPA at the end of the leave year. MTD’s Paid under code L Security Assistance Group
Log onto JPa and then onto the dashboard Security Assistance Group
On the dashboard drop down menu select Voltunteer Reserve Entitlement to Paid Leave Security Assistance Group
Select the leave year Security Assistance Group
And then the unit you require Security Assistance Group
Then once this is done select apply your selection Then once this is done select apply your selection. From the top menu bar select entitlement to paid leave
This will then produce the required information which you can then export to excel.
ATTENDANCE REGISTERS To completed by invidiual and signed by auth Officer MTD’s Check all forms have been authorised before submitting onto JPA Security Assistance Group
Log onto JPA and then Unit HR then select Personnel and Pay Details
Search for the SP from the AR
Select entries this will then bring tthis scrren up
Enter an new entry and look for Training night
Enter the details from the time sheet for the days worked.
Then click save. I would then print of the screen shot to prove that you have completed the work and then attach it to the AR.