The Wellness Project includes the knowledge, skills, services of practitioners who support the physical, emotional, and mental health of our community, in collaboration with quality food producers. The Project will increase access to a wide range of services including medical health models, dentistry, nutritional and herbal counseling, quality foods, creative arts therapy and other counseling, acupuncture, yoga, massage, chiropractic, and other modalities of healing. The new Wellness Project, born 2012, will focus on developing the institutional partnerships and robustness of exchange required to involve more health services in the timebank.
Some detail on the Dane County TimeBank wellness applications: Wellness Day at Northside Farmers Market 2005, inculding: exercise buddies, nutrition and cooking, fresh eggs and produce, blood pressure and blood sugar checks by registered nurses, complementary therapies including yoga, craniosacral, EFT, massage, reiki, relexology, acupuncture and more, dance/movement therapy, life skills coaching...
Focus on: TimeBanking in Health Care Institutions Lehigh Valley Care Exchange Allentown, PA Visiting Nurses Service Community Connections New York, New York The Lehigh Valley Care Exchange in Allentown Pennsylvania, uses timebanking to train medical interpreters, provide care for people with serious and chronic illnesses, provide transportation to medical appointments and more. Visiting Nurses Service Community Connections TimeBank in New York City uses timebanking to connect their huge, diverse member base in a network of mutual support. Reducing isolation reduces health problems, as numerous studies show. See practitioners talk about it on video:
A Holistic Cooperative Wellness Clinic Patch Adams Clinic Philadelphia, PA The Patch Adams Clinic, the brainchild of Paul Glover - founder of the pioneering Ithaca Hours local currency in 1991 - is still in planning stages as of summer 2012. The groups intends to build an earth-sheltered clinic in a low-income neighborhood in Philadelphia. The clinic will be surrounded by community gardens and will feature holistic health and wellness services, including clinical care, complementary therapies, nutrition and wellness support. It will be used by and accessible to its surrounding community and will be partially funded through timebanking and complementary currency. see Paul Glover explain the project on video: