Hazard Mitigation Presentation By Brake & Associates 405-819-3991
Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 Has made it mandatory for States, Tribes, and communities to have an approved mitigation plan in place before receiving HMGP funds after November 1, 2004.
PDM-C Grants Pre- Disaster Mitigation Competitive
FEMA has provided PDM-C grants. For communities to hire planners to develop hazard mitigation plans. Provide funding for mitigation actions.
FEMA 75% to 25% (in-kind) FEMA will cover 75% of the cost to your communities 25% (in-kind) match for hazard mitigation plans. Which should result in “Nothing Out of Pocket” for the community.
What is in-kind match? Time Mileage Administrative expenses Etc…
What Is Hazard Mitigation? Is any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from hazards.
Who will benefit by Hazard Mitigation Plans? States Tribes Cities and Towns Universities Schools districts
What is a Hazard Mitigation Plan? It is the establishment of goals, policies, and procedures with the intent to prevent loss of life and reduce property damage.
The Planning Process Select a Hazard Mitigation Committee. Identify the risks of the community. Find what is vulnerable. Develop a strategy. Put it to action. Set up a plan maintenance schedule. Submit plan to State & FEMA
Selecting a Committee Hand pick a committee of people you believe would be good for the community. Example: Fire chief, police chief, business leaders, etc… Invite the public to be in the committee. Have a final selection for the committee.
Knowing Your Risks Determine what your community risks are by past historical events. Magnitude of the events. Frequency Location within the community
What is Vulnerable? Critical facilities Police stations, fire stations, hospitals Schools, nursing homes, daycares Residential houses Bridges and overpasses
Developing a Strategy What are your goals for the community How are you going to accomplish these goals.
Mitigation Actions What are the actions to improve the community for hazards? Safe rooms Warning sirens Fire equipment And much, much more!
Plan Maintenance How is the community going to maintain the hazard mitigation plan? Who will be in charge of it? Where will it be kept? How will you keep the public involved?
Is Your Community Safe? When your children are at home or at play, do they have a shelter they can get to? Will your family be alright when the next disaster happens?
Because……………. A disaster will Happen!
Are you going to be Ready OR……
Hazard Mitigation Presentation By Brake & Associates 405-819-3991