LOCAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The department carries out tasks related to the most complex issues of local socio-economic development of the Municipality. It monitors and assesses the applicability of the adopted Municipal Development Strategy. The department performs expert processing and evaluation of the offered solutions by engaging, with the consent of the Mayor, consultants and experts for specific issues and parts of the development plans - municipal development strategy. Participates and coordinates activities with Heads of Departments and other bodies and organizations in the municipality to prepare the applications for donation funds. The department has the task of proposing solutions to create the most favorable conditions for attracting investments and investors to the area of the Municipality with the primary aim of opening new jobs in the real sector.
ОRGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The Head of The Department Independent Expert Associate for Cooperation with International Organizations, Civil Society Organizations and Cross-Border Cooperation Independent Expert Associate for Strategies, Municipal Development Plans and Capital Investments Independent Expert Associate for Agriculture, Forestry, Water Management and Ecology Independent Expert Associate for Local Development, Reconstruction and Returnees
Local Development Department cooperates with: The Mayor of the Municipality and all the organizational units of the Municipal Administration of the Municipality of Brod Local businessmen Development Agencies, Public Institutions in the area of the Municipality Domestic and international organizations
DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES - Creates application packages for applying to donor funds - Performs implementation and projects monitoring - Suggests and provides the construction of individual projects financing - It composes expert analyzes and information, reports on the needs of the Municipal Assembly, the Mayor of the Municipality, the Economic Council and other bodies organized in order to look at and propose the most optimal solutions for particular areas in the Municipality as a whole. - It actively participates in the preparation of annual work plans of the departments in the Municipal Administration and other organs and organizations in the area of the municipality by synchronizing and harmonizing them with the goals and deadlines set out in the Municipal Development Strategy.
DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES - Throughout the year, it monitors the realization of the plans, supervises the implementation, undertakes the implementation measures and provides expert assistance, reports the Mayor of the Municipality about all the important issues and problems in the realization of the Development Strategy. - It continuously communicates with local businessmen - It encourages local businessmen to expand their capacity - Promotes potentials of The Municipality
IMPLEMENTED PROJECTS Project of Reconstruction of Water Supply and Sewerage System in the area of Brod Municipality The project for strengthening the health sector in the area of Brod Municipality value of BAM 500.000,00 Project for reconstruction and construction of seven housing units for refugees and displaced persons in the local community area Canal Network Cleaning Project Balloon Hall Construction Project in the local community Lijesce Recreational and Sports Facility Construction Project for rehabilitation and reconstruction of social homes in the rural area of Brod Municipality
IMPLEMENTED PROJECTS Secondary School „Nikola Tesla” rehabilitation project Playground Construction Project in the local community Donja Barica Project „Green Market – In the Belly of the Town“ Project „Creating conditions for greater efficiency and quality of health services in the area of Brod municipality” IPA II Cross-border cooperation BiH – Serbia „ER NOW” ReLOaD
WE EMPHASIZE COOPERATION WITH - UNDP - USAID - Europian Commission - Chamber of Commerce - Representative of the German Economy in BiH - The Ministry of Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation of RS
WE EMPHASIZE COOPERATION WITH - The Ministry of Finance of RS - The Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH - The U.S. Embassy in BiH - Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina - The Investment-Development Bank of The Republic of Srpska - The Embassy of the Czech Republic in BiH
THE MUNICIPALITY OF BROD LOCAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT phone/fax: 053 611-972 / 610-116 e-mail: grabovacb@opstina-brod.net malesevicm@opstina-brod.net pantics@opstina-brod.net