Handout 5: Feedback and support


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Presentation transcript:

Handout 5: Feedback and support PowerPoint presentation Unit 240 (M&L 2): Develop working relationships with colleagues Handout 5: Feedback and support

supports professional development assists personal development Benefits of feedback supports professional development assists personal development promotes overall improvement of performance. Providing feedback to colleagues is a way of supporting development by communicating information on whether or not they are doing a good job and on areas that may need improvement. Feedback assists us to develop both personally and in our job role and constructive feedback should be encouraged amongst colleagues for overall improvement of performance.

Positive and negative feedback give praise where due give constructive negative feedback. Feedback can be both positive and negative. It is important to recognise strengths and a job well done by giving praise. Positive boosts confidence and motivates. Any negative feedback needs to be delivered sensitively and constructively. Constructive feedback has a practical purpose, ie it seeks to improve – if you can’t find a practical purpose, better not to give it.

Giving constructive feedback state the purpose positive before negative be specific explain the consequence allow them the chance to respond offer suggestions for ways forward offer support. State the purpose - What is the feedback about? Way do you think it is necessary to give it? Positive before negative - Even when the main focus is negative, try to start with a positive point Be specific - Base your feedback on facts - when and where it happened, who was involved. Should be based on what you observed and not hearsay. Evidenced not vague. Explain the consequence – What was the result of the other person's behaviour. Give examples of how it affected you and others. Allow them the chance to respond - Listen and do not interrupt. Offer suggestions for ways forward - Make practical suggestions for improvement. People benefit from ideas that could help them to perform better. Offer support - Is there anything you can do to help? Showing your support is a way to conclude on a positive note.

How to make feedback constructive Description not judgement Your communication skills are good.  You really got your point across clearly.  Observation not implication Do you always turn up late?  I saw you were 30 minutes late this morning.  Behaviour not the person You’re so tactless!  Your comment about my work made me feel bad. 

Ways to support your colleagues communicate take an interest ask for advice offer your help build openness and trust acknowledge others’ achievements. Communicate – Communicate directly and honestly if there is a problem – don’t complain to your line manager Listen – everyone’s opinion is valid even if you don’t agree with it. Be careful with your choice of words, tone of voice, body language and expressions. If you are told something in confidence, keep it that way. Take an interest – In their job related targets and challenges. In their wellbeing and pressures. Ask for advice – If someone does something well or has more experience than you, ask for their advice: everyone likes to feel like an expert and you will gain valuable information. Offer your help – If you know someone has a lot of work on or a pressing deadline, offer to help; this usually has the advantage of being reciprocated. Maybe you can’t get on with your job because you are waiting on someone else: find out if you can help rather than letting everyone know why you can’t get on. Build openness and trust – Don’t be quick to cast negative aspersions – if someone is late or not at their desk, assume there is a valid reason. Don’t be tempted to make yourself look better by pointing out others’ weaknesses. Acknowledge others’ achievements – Don’t take all the credit for tasks others have contributed to – make sure you acknowledge their contribution. Say thank you or well done – it’s not only good manners but also helps to brighten up someone’s day. .

treat your colleagues as you would like them to treat you. Build a better team respect fairness courtesy treat your colleagues as you would like them to treat you. A culture of respect, fairness and courtesy in the workplace will ensure a healthy working environment. You can also contribute to this by building a sense of team community through participating in social and team events and workshops that emphasise team building and by abiding by work ethics.