Session 2, Modified Jigsaw Section 1, Introduction and Overview 3 sessions Session 2, Modified Jigsaw 45 minutes Considerations for This Session This is the second session in the three-part Section 1, “Introduction and Overview.” Ideally, this session would be offered after teachers have experienced Session 1 in this section or at least after they have had time to preview the program components. During this session, participants will become familiar with the supports in the Introduction of the Being a Writer Teacher’s Manual, seek answers to the questions generated about the program in the previous session, and prepare for implementing the program with students. Facilitator Materials “Session 2, Modified Jigsaw” slide presentation Sample Being a Writer classroom sets for your reference Charted questions recorded during Session 1 Pads of self-stick notes A few blank notebooks or writing paper (for participants) Participant Materials Being a Writer Teacher’s Manual, Volume 1 Notebook or journal Do Ahead Download the “Session 2, Modified Jigsaw” presentation from the CCC Learning Hub ( and preview the content, including the commentary in the “Notes” field of each slide. Bring and post the charted questions that were generated during Session 1 of the “Introduction and Overview” section. Set up the necessary equipment (computer/projector, screen, speakers, etc.). Place pads of self-stick notes on tables for the participants to use during the session.
Welcome to Session 2 Session 1, Program Introduction and Overview (45 minutes) Session 2, Modified Jigsaw (45 minutes) Session 3, Lesson and Unit Structures (45 minutes) Welcome to Session 2 (1 minute) Welcome the participants to this Being a Writer professional learning session. Explain that Section 1, “Introduction and Overview,” has three sessions. Read the slide aloud and indicate that this is Session 2 of the section. If you are facilitating all three sessions on the same day, tell the participants that there will be a short break after each session.
Learning Goals Become familiar with the supports in the Introduction of the Being a Writer Teacher’s Manual. Seek answers to the questions generated about the Being a Writer program in the previous session. Prepare for implementing the program with students. Learning Goals (1 minute) Read the slide aloud. Explain that during this session, the participants will work with partners and in small groups. Have each participant identify a partner to work with during this session. Establish a signal (such as a raised hand) for coming back together at the end of partner or small-group work.
Revisit Questions Read over the questions that were generated at our last session. What additional questions might we add to this list? Revisit Questions (3 minutes) Ask participants to read the questions that they generated during the previous session (from the posted chart). Ask: What additional questions might we add to this list? Allow wait-time so the participants have time to think about their questions. Chart the participants’ questions. Tell the participants that they will use these questions to support their work as they learn more about the Being a Writer program by exploring the Introduction of the Teacher’s Manual today.
Modified Jigsaw Activity: Introduction Get into groups of four. In your group, assign each member a number from 1 to 4. Read the following sections based on your number: #1: “Introduction” and “Using the Technology Features” #2: “Understanding the Program” #3: “Teaching the Program” #4: “Special Considerations” As you read, note answers to our questions and important ideas to share with your group. Take turns sharing the section you read with others in your group. Modified Jigsaw Activity: Introduction (25–30 minutes) Read the first two steps on the slide aloud. Have the participants get into groups and number off. Ask each participant to use the information on the slide to locate the sections he or she will read from the Introduction of the Teacher’s Manual. After 1–2 minutes, check in to see if everyone has found his or her sections. Remind the participants that they will be sharing the sections they read with the others in their group. They will need to take notes and mark places where their questions were answered and that offer important information. Tell them that they will have 10–15 minutes to read and take notes on their sections. Scan the room; note when most participants have finished reading. Alert them when there are 2 minutes remaining. Signal for their attention and read step 4 on the slide. Have the participants take 2–3 minutes each to share their sections. Transition to the next slide by saying: Let’s discuss what you learned from the Introduction of your manuals.
Introduction Discussion Questions What did you learn that you want to remember as you implement the program? Which of our questions were answered? What features of the Introduction do you think you will refer back to during the year? Introduction Discussion Questions (5–10 minutes) Facilitate a whole-group discussion, discussing the questions on the slide one at a time.
What questions do you still have about the Being a Writer program? End of Session (3–5 minutes) Allow time for questions. Remind the participants to use their “Teacher as Writer” notebooks and write with the students for the first few minutes of Writing Time each day. They might choose to respond to the “Teacher as Writer” prompts in their manuals, write on the same topics as their students, or use this time to reflect on how the lessons are going. This is the end of Session 2. Allow the participants to take a short (5–7 minute) break before continuing to Session 3. If you are facilitating these sessions over multiple meetings, announce the date and time of the next scheduled session and let the participants know what they will need to bring with them to the next session.