Apuntes… La Acentuación Accents
To know when a word needs an accent, you need to know... A) That some words always need an accent: 1. Question words ¿Qué? ¿Cómo? ¿Cuándo? ¿Dónde? ¿Quién? ¿Por qué?
2. Words that are spelled the. same but have different 2. Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings need accents Tú = you Tu = your Mí = me Mi = my Té = tea Te = yourself…
3. Words that end in –ando or. –iendo when one or two 3. Words that end in –ando or –iendo when one or two pronoun(s) are attached need an accent on the ándo or the iéndo Está cantándote una canción. Está cantándotela por tu cumpleaños .
Necesita llevarlos a la escuela. Va a llevárselos a su casa. 4. Words that end in –AR, –ER or –IR when two pronouns are attached need an accent on the ár, ér, or ír. Necesita llevarlos a la escuela. Va a llevárselos a su casa. Necesita leérmelos esta noche. 1 pronoun= NO accent!
5. Words that end in –ción or –sión need an accent on the ó la canción mansión conclusión NO accent if plural! canciones, mansiones
6. Regular verbs conjugated in the preterit need an accent in the YO and Él forms yo hablé tú hablaste él habló yo comí tú comiste él comió
7. Regular AR verbs conjugated in the imperfect need an accent in the nosotros and ER/IR verbs need an accent on the í in all forms of the imperfect ábamos ía, ías, ía, íamos, ían
B) How to separate words into syllables: You also need to know... B) How to separate words into syllables: Divide syllables so the syllables always start with a consonant. If a word starts with a vowel, separate the vowel and start the next syllable with a consonant.
Divide these words into syllables: silla mañana enemigo amarillo comedor si-lla ma-ña-na e-ne-mi-go a-ma-ri-llo co-me-dor
fuer-te al-muer-zo ac-ci-den-te ve-o pa-se-o far-ma-cia 3. *Keep a strong vowel (A, E, O) and a weak vowel (I, U) together, *separate 2 consonants that are not ll, rr, or ch and *separate 2 strong vowels 1. fuerte 2. almuerzo 3. accidente 4. veo 5. paseo 6. farmacia fuer-te al-muer-zo ac-ci-den-te ve-o pa-se-o far-ma-cia
4. Separate a strong vowel (A, E, O) and a weak vowel (I, U) when you want to separate their sounds. A weak vowel with an accent becomes a strong vowel! María Fotografía Continúa Ma-rí-a fo-to-gra-fí-a con-ti-nú-a
C) That you must memorize 3 rules of pronunciation: Finally, you need to know... C) That you must memorize 3 rules of pronunciation: Words that end in n, s, or a vowel are naturally stressed on the second to the last syllable.
alemanes lunes lecciones examen joven a-le-ma-nes lu-nes lec-cio-nes These words are pronounced according to the rule for words ending in a vowel, N or S. The underlined syllable shows the natural stress. alemanes lunes lecciones examen joven a-le-ma-nes When the rule and the natural stress are the same, NO accent is needed! lu-nes lec-cio-nes e-xa-men jo-ven
2. Words that end in a consonant except n or s are naturally stressed on the last syllable
explicar federal navidad pared español ex-pli-car fe-de-ral na-vi-dad These words are pronounced according to the rule for words ending in a consonant except N or S. The underlined syllable shows the natural stress. explicar federal navidad pared español ex-pli-car When the rule and the natural stress are the same, NO accent is needed! fe-de-ral na-vi-dad pa-red es-pa-ñol
Words that don’t follow these rules need a written accent. tambien 6. platano natacion 7. increible dias 8. pais Barbara 9. mirandola boligrafo 10.darmelo
na-ta-ción 7. in-cre-í-ble dí-as 8. pa-ís Bár-ba-ra 9. mi-rán-do-la The rule for the natural stress and the real pronunciation don’t match, so you need a written accent to show the correct pronunciation. tam-bién 6. plá-ta-no na-ta-ción 7. in-cre-í-ble dí-as 8. pa-ís Bár-ba-ra 9. mi-rán-do-la bo-lí-gra-fo 10.dár-me-lo
4. Divide into syllables and add an accent IF it is needed: numero 6. cupon pasaporte 7. quizas funcion 8. ruido tecnologia 9. miercoles basquetbol 10. nariz
4. You only need a written accent when the natural stress (according to the rules) and the correct pronunciation don’t match. nú-me-ro 6. cu-pón pa-sa-por-te 7. qui-zás fun-ción 8. rui-do tec-no-lo-gí-a 9. miér-co-les bás-quet-bol 10. na-riz