Esp 37/10/13 Hoy es el siete de octubre. Objective ä Students will be able to assess their knowledge of commands, direct and indirect object pronouns, comparisons and vocabulary. Calentamiento ä Create a tú command, negative tú command, usted and ustedes command for the following verbs: ä Venir, Cantar, Trabajar, Salir
When you finish… ä Turn in your test. ä Study for another class or work on homework. ä Or study pg. 53 in your book.
Esp 17/10/13 Hoy es el siete de octubre. Objective ä Students will be able to use their new vocabulary in context. Calentamiento ä Write out your daily class schedule. ä Number them 1 (best) to 7 (worst) ä Share with your seat partner.
el almuerzo lunch
la clase class
la clase de... …class
arte art
español Spanish
ciencias naturales science
ciencias sociales social science
educación física
el horario
en la … hora in the … hour (class period)
la tarea
enseñar to teach
primer, a first
segundo, a second
tercer, a third
cuarto, a fourth
quinto, a fifth
sexto, a sixth
séptimo, a seventh
octavo, a eighth
noveno, a ninth
décimo, a tenth
la calculadora calculator
la carpeta de argollas three-ring binder
el diccionario dictionary
necesito I need
necesitas you need
aburrido, a boring
divertido, a
fácil easy
favorito, a favorite
interesante interesting
más…que more…than
práctico, a practical
a ver... Lets see...
mucho, a a lot
para... for
¿Quién? Who?
Yo tengo I have
Tú tienes You have