Song LIANG Email: liangs @ CMS-IHEP, China 2009.12.25 Hadron Shower Shape Song LIANG Email: liangs @ CMS-IHEP, China 2009.12.25
Data Sample 1). Data sample: pi- Eta = 0.65779 Phi = 0.21976 E : 20~120.0 GeV Events:40000
The distribution of number of crystals which have energy response. The distribution of the energy of every hit
The energy respose of some events
Some bad shower
The discreteness of the every shower
eta and phi of the crystal which the hadron hit the ECAL, calculated from track extrapoloation.
The relation of the deposit energy of ECAL and HCAL
Fitting the shower shape Single Pi- Stable hit point Formula: 2D fitting Fitting parameters: CX,CY, R1,Etot
The distribution of the fitting parameters
Esum9x9 Energy of fitting
The shower shape From the real hit From the fitting
Real shower shape Fitting shower shape
The End! Backup Merry Christmas!
The distribution of the 9x9 crystals deposit energy
Cut: Esum9x9<1.2GeV