Why does testing matter to me? Testing says something about who I am as a person. Testing decides my classes next year.
Who are you? Advanced Superior performance. Proficient Solid performance. Basic Limited performance. Below Basic Lacking performance. Far Below Basic Seriously lacking performance.
What is API? “Academic Performance Index” A way to measure the quality of a school.
What is API? Your test scores + API = Your attendance on test days
Last year, our score increased by 27 points to a score of 460!!!! How much can we increase this year? Last year, our score increased by 27 points to a score of 460!!!! This happened because our students worked hard!
This year’s goal is an API of 500! We are… 500
How to help our API? Make a commitment to… Increase your level by one in math and English. For example, go from Basic to Proficient. Attend everyday of testing and try your best
API celebration Friday Sept. 27th Music on the quad Ice cream sandwiches Extended lunch 11:45 a.m.