we work, pray and live together in Be a reader, a writer, a problem solver! Loving like Jesus With Jesus as our guide, we work, pray and live together in a safe and happy way. Embracing our learning
Shared teaching across the partnership Sex and Relationships education Loving Like Jesus Shared teaching across the partnership Sex and Relationships education Review of Liturgy Audit of RE and Catholic life Parish and community links Nurture Safeguarding Attendance Multi faith Vocations
Read it, write it, problem solve it! Early years and SEN writing Bar modeling PQSM changes continue to be implemented Foundation subject leaders to monitor and report on subjects attainment Close gap between reading and writing Whole school challenge on writing Intervention and inclusion Workshops for parents
Embracing our learning Enrichment weeks and linked trips Cross curricular links Clubs INSPIRE Lead learners Lunch time – playleaders etc Music COEL