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Linux Origin After Unix
Previous Systems Unix BSD Linux Multics BSD File Server System Punched Card Computers – Keyboard Input Computers – Compatible Time-share System BSD Bill Joy – Berkley Software Distribution – Sun Corp - OpenBSD File Server System Ken Thompson – Prototype of UNIX – “All Files” – “Efficient” No Unisversal Hardware Protcol SystemV / AIX / DEC Unix Ritchie – Bell Lab – B Languange – C Language – “Just For A Game?” Minix Andrew Tanenbaum – Intel X86 Development Linux Torvalds - Multi-task – GNU (GCC/Bash) - POSIX Distribution Kernel + Software + Tools + Documentation = Distribution
From Window To Linux Change your mind
Linux /usr/bin/php Directory Tree Structure Windows C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe Partition Using (NTFS) C: D: E: Linux /usr/bin/php Partition Using (EXT4) /dev/sda /dev/nvme01
Linux Directory Tree All come from root
Linux Directory Tree
Bash root@cqu-msc#
Bash [root@localhost ~]# command –options parameters
User Rights Control Windows sucks
User Rights Control
User Rights Control [root@localhost ~]# useradd –u UID –g GROUP –d DIRECTORY –s SHELL USERNAME [root@localhost ~]# passwd USERNAME [root@localhost ~]# su USERNAME
File Permission Do not 777 all the time
File Permission [root@localhost ~]# ls -al Permission I-node Owner Usergroup Size Date
File Permission
File Permission [root@localhost ~]# chown USERNAME FILE [root@localhost ~]# chmod 755 FILE [root@localhost ~]# chmod a+x FILE
File Permission
File Operation Safety First
File Permission [root@localhost ~]# cd DIR [root@localhost ~]# mkdir DIR [root@localhost ~]# touch FILE [root@localhost ~]# rm FILE [root@localhost ~]# rm –R DIR
File Permission Relative Path [root@localhost ~]# cd ./docs/python Absolute Path [root@localhost ~]# cd /root/docs/python
File Permission [root@localhost ~]# cp FILE PATH [root@localhost ~]# cp –R DIR PATH [root@localhost ~]# mv FILE PATH [root@localhost ~]# mv –R DIR PATH [root@localhost ~]# mv FILE FILE1
Vim Can you exit vim?
Vim [root@localhost ~]# vim FILE
Tasks Change your APT Source to China Server and refresh it Using APT to install the apache binary Using Servive command to start apache service Locate the web server path and modify your index.html Open your web browser to check whether your modification is working
Thanks You Enjoy Your Linux 2018.12.9