Steven Worley, Douglas Schuster, TIGGE Archive at NCAR THORPEX Town Hall @ AMS Steven Worley, Douglas Schuster, Nathan Wilhelmi 18 January 2007 4/14/2019
Use the Data, Analysis Tools Work to be Done, Future User Services Outline Who’s involved What’s available Get Data Discovery, Access, And Distribution Use the Data, Analysis Tools Work to be Done, Future User Services Summary 4/14/2019
Who - the archive centers NCAR ECMWF China Meteorological Administration (CMA) Data Collection Mechanism Unidata’s Internet Data Distribution/Local Data Manager system (IDD/LDM) Proven and scalable method. 4/14/2019
Who - Current Data Providers Center Start Date ECMWF 10/1/2006 United Kingdom (UKMO) Japan (JMA) NCEP 11/1/2006 Who - Future Data Providers Australia China Canada Brazil Korea France 4/14/2019
What’s Available TIGGE Parameters Four Level Types, aka file groupings Single Level (includes surface) Pressure Level (1000, 925, 850, 700, 500, 300, 250, 200, 50 hPa) Isentropic Level (320K) Potential Vorticity Level (2 PVU) 4/14/2019
What’s Available Storage Strategy Level Types separated by: Provider Forecast time All ensemble members and parameters for a Level Type in one file Complete archive maintained on the NCAR Mass Store System as part of the CISL Research Data Archive (RDA) Most current 2-3 weeks data online to network 4/14/2019
Summary of Data Providers What’s available Summary of Data Providers 4/14/2019
What’s Available Type = Pressure Level 4/14/2019
Type = Isentropic Level What’s Available Type = Isentropic Level Type = Potential Vorticity Level 4/14/2019
Type = Single Level 4/14/2019
Type = Single Level Parameters cont. 4/14/2019
Get Data Discovery, Access, and Distribution TIGGE Web Portal ( Users can search, discover, and download files Select data by initialization date/time data provider level type forecast time By agreement, 48 hour data access delay from model initialization time Special project provision, IPO determination 4/14/2019
Data Discovery Access and Distribution 4/14/2019
Data Discovery Access and Distribution 4/14/2019
Get Data Data Discovery Access and Distribution NCAR Research Data Archive -2006 -2007 The RDA dataset enables: Access to the complete TIGGE archive. Easy use of the TIGGE archive on NCAR CISL computers – data coming directly from the Mass Store System NCAR computing accounts available upon request Support staff to handle requests for offline data Forecast file structure identical to online files 4/14/2019
Data Discovery Access and Distribution 4/14/2019
Data Discovery Access and Distribution 4/14/2019
Use the Data, Analysis Tools User Analysis and Basic Data Manipulation Tools WMO GRIB2 is relatively new, so tools are immature Forecasts with ensemble members add another dimension Improvements underway in: NCAR Command Language (NCL)/Python GEMPACK, GRIB-Java (Unidata) NOAA tools (wgrib2, GRIB-2 software libraries, etc) ECMWF GRIB API 4/14/2019
Work to be Done, Future User Services aka, Steve’s discomfort zone TIGGE Portal 2007 Improvements Develop streaming download for multiple files Interface to receive subset data requests (e.g. parameter selection), the delayed mode processing Provide user selected grid interpolation across multiple models Add spatial sub-setting functionality Include subscription services for recurring requests Continue improvement on tools Provide web services for automated requests Common interface for NCAR, ECMWF, and CMA Why discomfort, data user satisfaction hinges strongly on these, we don’t have staff and budget to support development. So far, we’ve redirected resources to accomplish this - must return to those obligation as well. 4/14/2019
Summary ECMWF and NCAR now archiving data from 4 providers (ECMWF, NCEP, UKMO, JMA) 6 more data providers plan to come online over 2007 (Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Korea, France) The TIGGE archive and access system designed to accommodate irregularity between providers. Desired 2007 Improvements include: Streaming download for multiple forecast files. User specified sub-set/grid interpolation requests across multiple models. A common web service interface for CMA, ECMWF, and NCAR for automated requests. 4/14/2019
Questions Contact Information 4/14/2019