Loan Products Market Shares - 2006 Personal Loans (%) House Loans (%) 13% 62% TEB VOL. INC. 185% MARKET VOL. INC. 76% TEB VOL. INC. 102% MARKET VOL. INC. 79% Total Loans (%) Car Loans (%) 14% 29% TEB VOL. INC. 34% MARKET VOL. INC. 5% TEB VOL. INC. 85% MARKET VOL. INC. 62% Source: MIS and The Central Bank of Turkey
Demand Deposit (YTL) (%) Demand Deposit (FX) (%) Deposit Products Market Shares - 2006 Demand Deposit (YTL) (%) Time Deposit (YTL) (%) 24% 147% TEB VOL. INC. 37% MARKET VOL. INC. 10% TEB VOL. INC. 217% MARKET VOL. INC. 28% Demand Deposit (FX) (%) Time Deposit (FX) (%) 9% 32% TEB VOL. INC. 19% MARKET VOL. INC. 10% TEB VOL. INC. 62% MARKET VOL. INC. 23% Source: MIS and The Central Bank of Turkey
Number of Total Customers Number of Active Customers Customer Base Number of Total Customers 106% Daily cust. acq. increased to 8.0 from 4.1 153.000 New Customers 59% 102% 100% 98% Cross-sell ratio* has increased from 2.50 to 2.80 Number of Active Customers 99% 76,000 New Customers 53% 94% * Excluding insurance 96% 95% Source : BO