Chapter 10 – Agriculture Section 1
I. Main Differences between Commercial and Subsistence Agriculture (5 of them) Combine
A) Purpose (ON or OFF Farm)
B) Percentage of Farmers in the Labor Force MDC’s - ______ % of all workers LDC’s - _______% of all workers 5 50
USA farmers are less than 2% of workforce. Why? Push? Pull?
C) Use of Machinery 1 – LDC’s (people or animals)
2 –MDC’s -On the farm…
-transportation to market
-New Technology
The most typical face on the planet Thu Mar 3, 9:05 am ET The most typical face on the planet By Liz Goodwin liz Goodwin – Thu Mar 3, 9:05 am ET
D) Farm Size LDC’s MDC’s
- Cost of Machinery This “Combine” cost over $500,000
Lego Combine - $227
E) Relationship of Farming to Other Businesses (Agribusiness)
The End!
The End!
Teacher note: Go to to show videos if time.