SOMALIA Background: UN Launches “Operation Restore Hope” Canadian troops give food/supplies to locals Controversy: Canadians Torture/Beat a Somali teen to death. Cover-up is uncovered. Canada is disgraced. Significance: In 1995 – Airborne Regiment Disbanded. Canadian reputation is damaged.
RWANDA GO OUT AND RENT HOTEL RWANDA Background: HUTU VS TUTSI Genocide: HUTU Mass planned killings (with Machetes) of Tutsis. UN Response: UN Peacekeepers sent Under Canadian Major General Romeo Dallaire. Required a massive UN force in order to stop the conflict. USA won’t send help. UN allows 260 soldiers to help. UN Soldiers instructed not to shoot anyone. Result: Failures in Perian Gulf, Yugoslavia, Africa cause people to wonder what the future of the UN will be. * Estimated number of victims of the genocide 1,174,000 in 100 days (10,000 murdered every day, 400 every hour, 7 every minute).