Stay the Course Graduation is not a gift. You MUST earn your diploma Walking List Committee meets weekly now to determine who is in jeopardy of NOT WALKING Students must meet ALL grad requirements before being allowed to WALK in graduation. You MUST pass classes, pass all required state assessments, pass on-line APEX, BYU High School and Beyond Plan MUST be completed, including 20 volunteer hours Culminating Project MUST completed
Think Before You Act! Senior Pranks: no vandalism, no breaking/entering, no damage/disrespect/disruption of any kind Drugs/Alcohol: mandatory 40 day suspension, may reduce to 5 with an assessment Celebrations/Parties are natural this time of year, but drugs and alcohol are not. Come to school, school events, grad practice, etc. under the influence or in possession will result in 40 day suspension, depending on when the infraction occurs, even reduced to 5 days will result in NOT WALKING at graduation.
Fines and Fees Pay all fines and fees owed by 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 13th
Upcoming Dates Last day to submit scholarship information to Career Center May 25 Graduation tickets distributed June 1 Senior Honors Night June 5 Parade of graduates June 11 Senior Finals June 12 Last day for seniors/check out forms available in 1st period June 13 All fines due Senior Breakfast & Auction 7:30 – 8:30 AM June 14 Graduation practice at RRHS 8:30 AM Must bring a complete senior check out form to get into practice Graduation practice at St. Martin’s 10:45 AM June 15 Graduation at St. Martin’s 7:00 PM
Honors and Awards Night You will be notified if you are going to be recognized at Honors and Awards Night Tuesday, June 5 at 6:00 Very important to be on time!
Scholarship Reporting Report all your scholarship awards to Mrs. Stepherson – even if you don’t accept the scholarship. All scholarships MUST be submitted to Mrs. Stepherson in the College and Career Center by May 25th
Parade of Graduates You are role models to these young children June 11, 2017 Between 8:45-11:15 Permission forms are in the main office Must have permission forms turned by June 5th to attend You are role models to these young children They are honoring you Honor them with our best behavior Don’t have your cell phones out Think of it as practice for marching in at graduation
Graduation Tickets Handed out during lunches on June 1 7 tickets per graduate If in danger of not walking, you will not receive tickets. Yes; will get tickets No; see Ms. Dalton Need extra tickets: Seniors can request additional 5 Go to the main office, there is a clip board by Ms. Priest’s desk
Graduation Practice Graduation Practice #1 Thursday, June 14 – 8:30 a.m. RRHS Gym Graduation Practice #2 Friday, June 15 – 10:45 a.m. SMU Marcus Pavilion Graduation Friday, June 15 at 7:00 p.m. SMU Marcus Pavilion
Graduation Expectations March in with dignity – no running, skipping, carrying partner, etc. Don’t do anything that will bring undo attention to you instead of the graduating class. Dress appropriately. Shorts, sunglasses, flip-flops/beach shoes, sneakers are not acceptable. Graduation hats and gowns only – glitter, decorations, personalized messages will not be allowed. Any request for modifications for religious or cultural reasons need to be made, in writing, to the principal. Bags, purses, cell phones, other electronic devices need to be locked in cars or kept in stands with parents. Silly string/string confetti permanently stains the pavilion tarp and will not be allowed. St. Martin’s will charge individuals for damage. Throwing caps is part of the ceremony. Do not throw too high or too far, as they can hurt people, and you will want to keep it as a memento.
Senior Breakfast and Auction Cafeteria Commons June 14th between 7:30-8:30 Breakfast Silent Auction with cool prize
Adult Speaker Voting Results! Mr. Schultz
Questions? See me afterwards