Mustang Monday, October 26th Agenda: Turn-in HF Warm-up Text Notes Gilded Age Problems and Progressive Solutions Chart Home Fun: Work on anything you need to in your notebook “The conditions which surround us (Americans) best justify our cooperation; we meet in the midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political and material ruin. Corruption dominates the ballot-box, the legislatures, the Congress, and touches even the ermine (weasels) of the bench (Supreme Court). The people are demoralized…” The Preamble of the Platform of the Populist Party, 1892 Based off the quote above what does the Populist Party (aka – The People’s Party), feel is wrong with America? What is one specific example from immigration, industrialization and urbanization that you think supports their main concern with the American government. 3-5 sentences
How to do text notes Go to Chapter 4 in text book Use the title of the section as your Title Use the Focus Question as your Essential Question READ the text. Turn the RED heading in to a question. Write this in the left margin. Answer the question with at least three bullet points in the right margin. Leave a space in between each red heading Do this for sections 1-4 by Thursday!
Terrific Tuesday, Oct. 27th Agenda: Roller Coaster Ride – The path to English Constitutionalism Home Fun: Read, mark and annotate document packet – “Absolutism in France” Answer EQ for Civil War and Interregnum Notes Tomorrows Home Fun: Kagan Please pick up a textbook before you take your seat Put your desks into Learning Groups Take out ALL of your notes about English Constitutionalism Begin working on your Roller Coasters – you have all period. If you are too loud or off task you will be put back into rows.
Terrific Tuesday, Oct. 27th Pick up a textbook on your way to your seat. Agenda: Warm-up Chart – Gilded Age Problems and Progressive Solutions. Home Fun: Text Notes – Chapter 4 Sections 1-4 DUE Thursday 10/29 To the right is a chart that identifies the different roles of “bosses” in a political machine. Use this to help you analyze the political cartoon on pg 88. Warm-Up Open to page 88 in you book, read the section on Political Challenges (pgs 88-89). After reading the information provided, look at the political cartoon to the left of page 88 and answer the two questions beneath it in 3 sentences each.