Science Data Platforms: Informatics Architectures at the Forefront.


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Presentation transcript:

Science Data Platforms: Informatics Architectures at the Forefront. AGU 2012, IN11F-01 December 3, 2012 Peter Fox;, @taswegian – Tetherless World Constellation/RPI. Thanks to the SESF and DCO-DS teams: John Erickson, Marshall Ma, Patrick West, Eric Rozell, Stephan Zednik, Han Wang, Yu Chen, Linyun Fu, Deborah McGuinness and Jim Hendler …

And yet, it’s 0800 …

Informatics Architectures? Forefront? Ecosystems and evolution Why frameworks and not systems? Platforms? The distributed part of it.. Um, people Some models

What’s the 6th generation?

Data as Infostructure

We have to ask …

Structuring different forms of content Ecosystem Experience Data Information Knowledge Creation Gathering Presentation Organization Integration Conversation Structuring different forms of content Context 7

Linked Data - September 2011 “Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch.”

“Information architecture is the categorization of information into a coherent structure, preferably one that the most people can understand quickly, if not inherently…” (wikipedia)

Elements… SENDS model

Science ecosystems These elements are what enable scientists to explore/ confirm/ deny their research and collaborate! Abduction versus induction and deduction Integrateability Citability Identity ‘Provenance’ Explanation Justification Verifiability Proof Trust Accountability ‘Transparency’ -> Translucency

How far to go - Humatics

Tetherless World Constellation Penultimacy Platforms assembled from frameworks; they must look more and more like a commodity (your phone) to how you work 6th generation of mediation – not more computer-mediation but smarter computers and lots of people Data as infostructure; mixing knowledge, information and data for consumption From virtual observatories to linked virtual observatories From the Deep Carbon Virtual Observatory to the Deep Earth Computer in say 8-10 years. From this and related sessions, it seems ‘we’ are going in the right direction Tetherless World Constellation

Really an informatics methodology We’ve had a lot of success with Informatics…

Tetherless World Constellation Further Information Contact:, @taswegian Tetherless World Constellation

Prior to 2005, we built systems Rough definitions Systems have very well-define entry and exit points. A user tends to know when they are using one. Options for extensions are limited and usually require engineering Frameworks have many entry and use points. A user often does not know when they are using one. Extension points are part of the design Platforms are built on frameworks Tetherless World Constellation