2013-2014 MEAP Results
What percent of our 3rd – 8th grade students Met Standards on their MEAP tests? Reading 3-8 Please click on the Green Oval and move it to mark Your Districts data.
2013-2014 District Rankings- Where were we in 2008-2009 compared to 2013-2014 2008-2009
What percent of our 3rd – 8th grade students Met Standards on their MEAP tests? Math 3-8 Please click on the Green Oval and move it to mark Your Districts data.
District Rankings- Where were we in 2008-2009 compared to 2013-2014
What percent of our students Met Standards on their MEAP tests? Science 5 & 8 Please click on the Green Oval and move it to mark Your Districts data.
District Rankings- Where were we in 2008-2009 compared to 2013-2014
What percent of our students Met Standards on their MEAP tests? Social Studies 6 & 9
District Rankings- Where were we in 2008-2009 compared to 2013-2014
What percent of our students Met Standards on their MEAP tests? Writing 4 & 7
2013-2014 District Rankings- Where were we in 2008-2009 compared to 2013-2014? 2008-2009
What are the grade level trends for MEAP results in Reading?
What are the grade level trends for MEAP results in Math?
What are the grade level trends for MEAP results in Science, Social Studies & Writing?
% of Students Proficient and the Gaps Over Time Reading 3-8 Math 3-8 Science 5 & 8 Social Studies 6 & 9 Writing 4 & 7 11-12 12-13 13-14 Troy Female 87 90 89 73 77 76 34 26 37 49 54 47 79 85 84 Male 81 74 78 28 40 55 58 64 67 69 All Students 36 27 38 52 57 48 71 Not Econ. Disadv. 80 39 30 41 56 61 75 ED 63 70 43 50 51 14 9 16 25 24 46 60 Not ELL 29 ELL 62 12 4 18 without IEP with IEP 35 8 7 15 17 31 Am.Indian 83 100 Asian 91 93 92 53 65 86 African American ( 68 42 13 22 19 Hispanic 82 33 23 59 White 45 Multiracial 72 Gap Gender -6 -4 1 -1 2 3 6 -15 -18 Econ Disadv -24 -19 -20 -34 -31 -30 -21 -25 -28 -29 -22 -26 -38 -16 -27 -37 -51 -35 with IEPs -40 -42 -44 -36 -32 -41 -33 -48 American Indian -13 -52 10 -9 Asian/Pac Island 5 11 African American -23 -17 -5 -8 -3 Multi racial -2 -7
Accelerating Learning For the Bottom 30% (Focus Schools) and All Literacy Enhanced Reading Recovery opportunities Teacher labs Teaching and Learning Leaders AARI – Adolescent Accelerated Reading Initiative Mathematics All students taught at grade level Mathematics support classes at secondary Standards for Mathematical Practice Science HI CLASS- Literacy Strategies for Content Teachers Engaging in argument from evidence (CER) Developing and using models Analyzing and interpreting scientific data Social Studies Troy CLASS- Literacy Strategies for Content Teachers Considering the use of technology to support student learning Refining assessment practices
Accelerating Learning For the Bottom 30% (Focus Schools) and All Professional Development in Effective Instruction Student Centered Classrooms Teaching for Understanding Formative Assessment Teaching to Learner Differences Technology as a Tool to Enhance Instruction and Assessment
The future of testing……
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