College Sport Development Conference Katie Mitchell Head of Further Education Sport England
Housekeeping Toilets Phones Fire Alarms
Todays Agenda TimingsAgenda 10:30Achieving the 50,000 – Jennie Price 10:45Active Colleges Update – Cassell Bailey 11:00Insight to Action – Sport England Insight Team 11:45Break 12:00Workshops - round 1 13:00Lunch 14:00Workshops – round 2 15:00Break 15:15College Sport Announcement 15:30Sporting Champions 15:50Wrap up and close
Achieving the 50,000 Jennie Price Chief Executive Sport England
Outline Sport England's role Why we fund college sport makers Progress so far Issues and Pitfalls FE Activation Funding
Sport Englands role Grow regular participation in sport As measured by the Active People Survey With a particular emphasis on: year olds People with a disability And to nurture talented individuals
How are we doing on young people's participation?
Where are the young people
Participation rates in FE are lower than elsewhere
FE Activation Fund 25m Active Colleges investment c £17m has funded 153 CSMs for 5 years 2.8m was awarded for 38 FE activation fund projects in round one
What has been achieved so far
FE Activation Fund - Outputs 33 projects 10,571 participants But only seven visits per participant 38% female
But APS measure for FE is flat
Issues and pitfalls Impacting on 1x30… We need at least 50,000 growth in FE Influencing your college NGB feedback, especially team sports
Getting outside your comfort zone
New FE activation fund £4m investment over next 2-3 years from September projects 27 colleges being funded for the first time aiming to deliver 54,000 new participants
Summary This is a key investment for Sport England We will invest more if: It can move APS, much less if not You have shown you can deliver outputs But you have to target 1x30 And get outside your comfort zones
Thank you Jennie Price Chief Executive