Author: Dr. Debabrata Nayak Report – SIG WG GISFI #7 GISFI # 07, Dec 19-22, 2011, New Delhi Author: Dr. Debabrata Nayak Organization: Huawei Doc No: GISFI_SIG_201112168
Minutes of SIG WG session Dr. Krishna Sirohi talked about the overall perspective of SIG WG and handed over the Chair position to Dr. Debabrata Nayak, Huawei. The emergence of “Security and Privacy WG” as output and the efforts in this direction of Dr. Krishna Sirohi and team within SIG WG was commended. Sub WGs Status QoS Sub WG – (Chair - Ashutosh, NIKSUN) No session held. Ashutosh’s presentation should be presented in GISFI #8. Food Security (Proposer – Jaideep Sen) The proposal focus can be broadly seen as e-Agriculture. SIG WG Chair need to follow up on the progress with Jaideep. Wireless Robotics (Proposer – Debashis, TCS) Debashis was supposed to introduce a professor from IIT-B to introduce this area in detail and take a next step in this direction. SIG WG Chair needs to talk to Debashis and follow up the next actions. IPv6 (Proposer – Dr. Debabrata Nayak, Huawei) Debu provided the viewpoint of DoT, who introduced the challenges of migration to IPv6 in GISFI #6. Need to get the detailed challenges from DoT. Debu mentioned about challenges w.r.t handling security aspects in IPv6. A proposal needs to be prepared and presented in SIG WG.