The Roman Empire Chapter 11.4
Rule of Augustus Octavian – took the name of Augustus He was the first ‘emperor’ of the empire Pater Patriae – “Father of the Country” Rome was a Republic in name only Augustus knew the Romans would not accept one person rule So, he restored the Republic in form but not practice Augustus held high offices of consul, tribune, high priest, and senator at the same time He made every soldier swear allegiance to him not Rome
Accomplishments of Augustus He maintained peace Provided a stable government – 41 years Reformed the administration of the Provinces Established fair taxes Developed trade and industry Encourage science and art Constructed road and buildings “…from a city of brick to a city of marble” Freedmen – former slaves; Augustus allowed them to take part in government Census – population count
Pax Romana ‘Peace of Rome’ 200 years of prosperity for the Roman World This began with Augustus No tariffs - taxes on imported goods Roman Law Everyone is equal under the law Innocent until proven guilty The accuser had to prove the case Standardized – all legal procedures were the same throughout the empire Juris Prudentes – special lawyers and legal writers who developed the laws that would be fair to Romans citizens and non-Romans alike
Daily Life Domus Island Rome (city) House with marble walls, mosaic floors, glass windows, heat and running water Island Apartment houses 6 stories high; dirty and overcrowded Eviction Day – July 1st – anyone who did not pay rent would be forced out Rome (city) Population of 1 million Traffic, pollution, crime, not enough jobs or houses
Family Leisure activities Father head of the family Arranged marriages to increase wealth Schools – the rich had better education than the poor Leisure activities Public Bathhouse – gyms, stadiums, libraries, lectures, and music Public Games – staged by the government – circuses, chariot races, gladiatorial games Circus Maximus – oval arena built for chariot races – held 250,000 people Colosseum – 50,000 people – held the gladiatorial games
Roman Emperors Augustus – 1st Roman Emperor (27 BC – 14 AD) Brought peace and stability Marcus Aurelius (161 -180 AD) Concerned with the peoples welfare Good ruler; philosopher His death ended the Pax Romana Diocletian (284-305 AD) Son of a freedman Rule by Divine Right – emperor’s power and right to rule came from the Gods not people Split the empire into two and ruled the eastern part because it was richer Too big for one person to rule as one empire
Constantine (312-337 AD) End of the Empire Moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople Villas – country estates of wealthy landowners Like small individual kingdoms End of the Empire Adrianople – 378 Germanic Tribe s defeated the Roman Legions Huns – nomadic herders from Mongolia who moved west and pushed the German tribes into conflict with Rome Alaric – Germanic Chief – 410 AD; burned Rome
Reasons for the Fall of Rome 1. Political – no rule of who was to inherit the throne Adopted son – because the real son was to spoiled Praetorian Guard – soldiers that protected the palace Killed the emperors and sold the position to the highest bidder 192-284 AD – less than 100 years – 37 emperors 2. Economics Emperors overpaid soldiers so they would support him Taxes were too high; Inflation 3. Foreign Armies Attacked