Draft Strategic Plan 2016-19 Consultation
Review of Local Plan 2014-17 During 2016-17 we will be consulting and engaging on the mandatory review of Aberdeenshire Local Fire and Rescue Plan. This review will include: A local strategic assessment (review of local area performance and existing priorities) Alignment with local area community plans, Acknowledge implications of Community Empowerment Act (LOIP/Locality Plans) Consultation & engagement with communities, elected members, partners, third sector & any other key stakeholders And, any other associated business.
Aberdeenshire Local Fire and Rescue Plan 2014-17 Annual Performance Summary (2015/16)
We want to hear your views What are the key challenges our local community faces? Beyond our traditional fire related activities where can we work with you to address these? Are there other areas where SFRS can help make a local difference? Are our strategy, our outcomes and our resources the right ones? .
Consultation Consultation open from 31 May to 9 August 2016 10 week consultation Share views online at firescotland.citizenspace.com Strategic Plan published October 2016 New Local Plans developed by end of 2017
For Local information Please contact david. rout@firescotland. gov For Local information Please contact david.rout@firescotland.gov.uk Or Your local SFRS Station/Contact