Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Use Case Realization Structure Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Objectives Discuss what a Use Case Realization is. Define when the use case realizations are created. Create Use Case Realization structure in Logical View. Create a Use Case Realizations package Create Individual use case realization packages Create a Traceabilities diagram 60 minutes Benchmarking Please note below if the module takes substantially longer than 60 minutes and state why. Note anything you or your students found confusing about this module. Did the previous modules help prepare for this module? If not, what was missing? Did you diverge significantly from the material to meet your student’s needs? If so, what did you do? Are there any additional tool tips that would be helpful? Did we follow preferred practices, if applicable? Did you find any errors? Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Where Are We? Interaction diagrams are created and refined during the elaboration phase of this workflow for architecturally significant use cases, along with class diagrams (not to be confused with analysis classes…)and the flow of events. Interaction diagrams for remaining use cases are created during the Construction phase of this workflow. Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Where Are We? The Use Case Realization structure is created during architectural analysis. This may be skipped if there is low architectural risk, or the architect is experiences in the domain. If so, use case realization is begun during use case analysis. Input Artifacts: Use Cases developed during Requirements Workflow and those refined during the Analysis and Design Workflow. Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Use Case Realizations “Use Case Realizations” is a term used in the Rational Unified Process. In particular, they are captured in the Logical View (Design Model) (think: 4+1 architectural view). Purpose of a Use Case Realization separate the concerns of the specifiers of the system (as represented by the Use Case Model and the requirements of the system) from the concerns of the designers of the system. A Use Case Realization represents the design perspective of a Use Case. It is a collaboration of components that realizes (or performs) some use case. The realization describes how the behavior of a use case is performed by the collaboration of elements (classes, …) within the system.
Use Case Realizations Main purpose is to provide a bridge between the descriptions of the system used by external stakeholders (principally users and customers), such as use cases and requirements, and the descriptions of the system used by the internal stakeholders (principally developers and testers.) Use case realizations overcome a problem area that is key in many other development techniques – the discontinuity between requirements and design. They provide for traceability!
Use Case Realizations The separation of the use-case realization from the use case is essential as it decouples the use case from its implementation, allowing the design to progress without affecting the baseline requirements captured in the use case. Typically, for each use case in the use case model, there will be a use case realization in the design model (in logical view ) with a realization relationship to the use case. Typically there is at least one test case for every use-case realization (scenario-based)
Use Case Realizations Use Case realizations can be expressed visually using UML constructs such as sequence and collaboration diagrams OR textually using structured English. In fact, when people write their use cases with an implementation focus, discussing the components of the system and the way that they work, they are actually creating a textual use-case realization rather than a use–case description.
Weaknesses of Use Cases Compare: Strength of Use Cases Communicate with end user in Language of the end user / stakeholders Problem space Weaknesses of Use Cases Not formal Fuzziness in places
Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Key Concepts Use case realizations and the Logical View Represent the concerns of the system’s designers Thus, created during the Logical View. (RUP) (analysis and design) Moved from concerns of the end user to that of the system designer. The Logical View addresses the functional requirements of the system. The Use Case View is used to communicate with the end user or customer. Use case realization packages Packages help organize the model and vital for using Rose – distribution of functions, work assignments, distribution, etc. We will create a package called Use Case Realizations and in it create packages for each use case realization. Traceabilities diagram Created in the Use Case Realizations package to help verify that the use cases (from use case view) are represented in the design model via use case realizations. Note to the instructor Although use case realizations can be created in the Use Case View, we follow the Rational Unified Process (RUP). We tell students to create them in the Logical View. Use case realization elements Make sure students understand the elements of use case realizations. In this section, we’re setting up the structure. Structure in Logical View Interaction diagrams Class diagram View of participating classes (VOPC) Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Use Case Realization - Practicuum Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Use Case Realization - Practicuum Objectives Create the use realization structure in the Logical View. Create the Traceabilities diagram. Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Add Package Called Use Case Realizations Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Add Package Called Use Case Realizations Bring up your model in Rose In Browser, expand Logical View Right Click Logical View then click New Click Package. Type Use Case Realizations over NewPackage, then click off Leave model open. Now, will create use case realization packages for each use case.. Since we are working from a partially created model, students may notice the Key Abstractions class diagram. Key abstractions Are the significant concepts that define the system. Are identified for the problem domain during the Business Modeling and Requirements Workflows. Are identified and modeled for the solution domain during architectural analysis. Improve the consistency across use case analysis activities for different use cases. Use Case Realizations package added Depending on your version of RR, you may need to expand the Design Model after you right click on Logical View. I did not have to on mine… Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Add Three Use Case Realization Packages Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Add Three Use Case Realization Packages Use case realization packages added under Use Case Realizations Make sure students add the new packages under the Use Case Realizations package. In book example: Add three use case realization packages. Right Click Use Case Realizations, New, Package, Type Use Case Realization – Register for Courses over NewPackage. Repeat steps 1 – 3 to add Use Case Realization - Login and Use Case Realization – Close Registration. Leave model open. Let’s create a Traceabilities Diagram. Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Create Traceabilities Diagram Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Create Traceabilities Diagram In the browser, the Traceabilities diagram added under Use Case Realizations package Right click Use Case Realizations; click New; Click Use Case Diagram; Type ‘Traceabilities’ over New Diagram. Double-click the Traceabilities diagram. The Use Case Diagram window is displayed. (We will model the Realizations…) In the browser, expand the Use Case View Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Create Traceabilities Diagram Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Create Traceabilities Diagram Use case Use case realization Namespace warning There are many use cases in the existing model. Remind students that we are merely selecting three for this iteration. Fill Color Students may want to change the fill color to distinguish the use case from its realization. Color should be used with discrimination, as a way to organize the model. Add your Use Cases to the diagram from your Use Case View. Drag those Use Cases onto the diagram; Repeat for all use cases in the UC View Add the Use Case realizations… From the toolbar, select a Use Case icon and place it on the diagram. Right click to get the Open Specification; type in the name; and in the stereotype list select Use-case realization. Then, OK. (Ignore namespace warning) (You will note the appearance of the oval) Continue until all use cases have their realizations on the same diagram. Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Create Traceabilities Diagram Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Create Traceabilities Diagram Make sure students note the addition of the use case realizations in the browser. Use case realizations added in browser Before continuing with the Traceability diagram, this is what we have. Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Create Traceabilities Diagram Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Create Traceabilities Diagram Use case realization moved its package Collapse the Use Case View. (Done with this at this time…) In the browser, drag the use case realizations under their respective packages as shown to the right. Repeat this for all Use Case Realizations. (Relocate them in their packages) Back to the Traceabilities Diagam Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Continuing to Create Traceabilities Diagram Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Continuing to Create Traceabilities Diagram The Traceability Diagram we have is: Use case realization identified with its package Make sure students note the changed use case realization labels. Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Continuing Traceabilities Diagram Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Continuing Traceabilities Diagram Unidirectional association added Stereotype ------------------------------------ Add the unidirectional associations via the toolbar Drag the mouse from the Use Case realization icon to the Use Case. Repeat for all Use Case Realizations. Double click on the association line. In the stereotype list box enter ‘realizes.’ Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Now that we’ve set up our use case realization structure and created a Traceability Diagram Now that we’ve set up our use case realization structure and created a Traceabilities diagram, we can create our interaction diagrams. Before doing this, let’s review preferred practices.
Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Preferred Practices Create a package called Use Case Realizations in the Logical View. (Each Use Case Realization is itself inside of the Use Case Realizations Package in the Design Model in the Logical View.) Create a diagram called Traceabilities under Use Case Realizations package. Create packages under Use Case Realizations for each use case. Name each package the same as its use case. You may want to review this module’s preferred practices. Ask students if practices were followed in this module’s labs. Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure
Rational Rose 2000 Instructor Notes Module 5 Create Use Case Realization Structure