Spanish Culture Natalie Singleton
Clothing Modern, conservative, stylish Girls wear trousers Boys are into designer wear Denim is “in” Short skirts and swim-wear are frowned upon
Food Cheap, substantial meals as opposed to gourmet Tapas Serrano Ham Fish delicacies (Paella) Continental breakfast, light lunch, late evening meal
Money Matters Most major credit cards are accepted Most places have ATMs that allow you to withdraw cash with your card 1 US Dollar = .77 Euro
Conformities Greetings consist of a handshake and a kiss on both cheeks Spanish men maintain longer eye contact with females Life is slow paced Life begins when the sun goes down
Siesta To fully enjoy a siesta it is very important to have a good lunch with friends or/and relatives. The real siesta takes place in bed and in pyjamas, but a suitable sofa is also meant if a bed is not available Timing is very important. A siesta should last between 15-30 minutes not more. Don't let anything disturb you. Siesta is quite a serious activity. Some people can't enjoy a siesta without tv or radio. If these kind of things help you to fall asleep, use them. The best way to wake-up from a siesta is a delicate human voice. If you don't have anybody near, remember to use an alarm clock.
Nightlife Evenings start with el paseo Spanish life is lived in the streets Street cafes and bars Nightclubs are the main attraction for teenagers
Fiestas and Traditions Each town has their own celebrations Celebrate national holidays such as Christmas, Easter, All Saint’s Day, ect. Majority of festivities are religious based
Bullfighting The National Sport of Spain 711 AD 24,000 bulls are killed each year
Flamenco The Great Spanish Tradition Cante: the song Baile: the dance Guitarra: guitar playing Product of the Gypsies
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