Notes for Writing a Demand Piece The Diary of Anne Frank Notes for Writing a Demand Piece
Theme – in any essay/demand piece must be written as a statement For example: Courage in the face of danger is a constant theme in Anne’s diary.
How is the theme revealed in the text? In any selection, always examine the literary elements: Character Conflict: internal, interpersonal, external Setting Symbolism Irony For this demand piece, we will focus on character, conflict and setting.
Character Choose characters who show great courage For example: Anne Miep Mr. Kraler Mr. Koophius
Conflict Identify the main conflicts: Internal – Anne’s struggles while in hiding Interpersonal – the people in the annex experience conflict during their time in hiding External – those in hiding live in fear that they will be discovered; they are isolated from the outside world and depend on friends to help them
Setting Life in the annex is difficult Examine the way they must live How does Anne struggle with her environment
Evidence and important quotes Find specific examples and quotes to support each literary element. Keep a record of these examples and quotes – use the worksheet provided by your teacher
Organization of your Essay/ Demand Piece After you have gathered your notes, you must consider how to organization your essay. Study your examples and quotes so your are prepared for your in class demand piece.