이훈열, 조성준, 성낙훈 강원대학교 지구물리학과 한국지질자원연구원 지반안전연구부 대한원격탐사학회 2007 춘계학술대회 3월 30일 대전 대덕컨벤션타운 GB-SAR 시스템의 개발과 응용 이훈열, 조성준, 성낙훈 강원대학교 지구물리학과 한국지질자원연구원 지반안전연구부
Contents Introduction GB-SAR System SAR Focusing and Interferometry Applications Conclusion
Introduction GB-SAR: Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Radar Azimuth aperture synthesis Ground-Based Fairly versatile system configuration Multiple frequency (L, C, X, Ku, Ka, etc) Full Polarization (VV, VH, HV, HH) Ultimate SAR focusing Zero Doppler centroid (stationary vehicle during Tx/Rx) Accurate estimation of Doppler rate from geometry Topography Mapping: Cross-Track InSAR or Delta-K InSAR Surface Motion: Zero-baseline and short atmospheric path for Temporal Coherency, DInSAR and PSInSAR Useful for new SAR concept design Previous Works LISA (EU) for Avalanche and landslide monitoring Other laboratory or field tests (UK, Japan)
GB-SAR System
System Configuration
SAR Focusing Algorithms Advantange Disadvantage Usage Range-Doppler or ω-k Widely used for SAR Memory inefficiency for partial-focusing Near Range (full-focusing) Deramp-FFT Efficient in memory and CPU time Distortion in near range Far Range (partial-focusing) Time Domain Exact everywhere Time consuming Everywhere
GB-SAR Resolutions Range resolution: (a) Full Focusing (b) Partial Focusing
GB-InSAR Configuration DInSAR Cross-Track InSAR Delta-K InSAR Cross-Track and Delta-K InSAR DInSAR with range change Cross-Track InSAR
GB-SAR Interferometry Change Phase Difference Range phase ramp Sensitivity DInSAR Range none Cross-Track InSAR Vertical baseline Height Delta-K InSAR Frequency shift Cross-Track and Delta-K InSAR and
KIGAM Roof-Top Test T1 Range: Center frequency=5.3GHz Bandwidth=200MHz Sample=1601 Power=33dBm (2W) Azimuth: Scan length=5m Step=5cm Sample=101 T2: Temporal baseline of 20minutes (DInSAR) T3: Spatial baseline of -30cm vertical (InSAR DEM) T4: Frequency shift of -10MHz (Delta-K InSAR)
Image Area
Cross-Track InSAR (T3-T2) VV
Delta-K InSAR (T4-T3) VV VV
Cross-Track and Delta-K InSAR (T4-T2) VV VV VV
Automatic Acquisition with 2cm Step, 2007. 3. 19 7:22pm- 4:20am, A1~A9 VV HH
Phase Errors Ideal Case A6-A5, HH Azimuth scan shift of 2cm. A9-A1, HH Range System Shift of 2mm
Conclusion We made a SAR system. A GB-SAR system was developed, tested, and waiting for applications. Optimal GB-SAR focusing algorithms were tested. Cross-Track and Delta-K InSAR were tested. DInSAR or PSInSAR were tested: Phase stability of 1° (0.1mm range) was achieved for several hours for stable reflectors, rendering phase change of 10 ° meaningful (1mm range accuracy for DInSAR). GB-SAR can be used for various applications such as: Safety monitoring of natural or anthropogenic structures Microwave backscattering properties of target New SAR system concept design More robust GB-SAR system optimized to a specific application will be developed.
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