Standardized Testing and Evaluations How the process works and How to implement standards and procedures at your home corps LCdr (NL) Shaun Cudmore DSO 5th Barber Pole Squadron Ontario Division
Why we need to standardize No training uniformity at any level of program No way to determine exact information to be taught Establish content standards across the Division Different promotion standards in every corps Improving and monitoring instructional technique of Officers Even playing field for Competitions
How the standardized program works Standardized Tests Use in place of existing corps evaluations Not to be used as a pass or fail examination A cadet’s failure to pass is indicative of failing to find an effective instruction technique One on one instruction may be necessary May provide insight to a cadet’s learning difficulties Cadets should be tested in the manner best suited to the cadet It is more important that the cadet UNDERSTANDS the information being taught than whether or not they select the CORRECT ANSWER Can be used in conjunction with evaluations for deciding on appointed positions Most importantly, to be used to prove a level of knowledge needed for the cadet to hold the next rank
How the standardized program works Evaluations Nightly class evaluations per level for each cadet Helps to immediately identify instructional issues with officers Helps to immediately identify learning issues in your cadets Provides historical records for appointed promotions and positions Easy to complete Simple pass or pass with difficulty identification boxes Helps to identify information missed due to absence before testing to allow for best success of cadet Minimal time requirement Allows for focused comments only when needed Assists with entering training information to Database by Admin O
Cadet Evaluation Cards
Training and Lesson Plan Development Seamanship questions provide main teaching points for each CTS lesson Standardized tests created using these same questions Moving Forward Development of standardized lesson plans available to all Corps Guarantees information provided to the cadets
Successful Promotion of Cadets Summary Class by class assessments Identifying difficulties Long term progress reference Evaluations Improved lesson plan development Standard information for new officers Properly prepared cadets Standardized Tests Uniformity of knowledge Equalized promotion standards Pride in knowing they have earned their ranks Successful Promotion of Cadets