Persuasive Strategies
Pathos Appeal to your audience’s emotions Example Appeal to your audience’s emotions MAKE them FEEL the emotion you are trying to convey Example: Your donation might just get this puppy off the street and into a good home
Logos Use logic, numbers, facts, data to support your claim example Use logic, numbers, facts, data to support your claim State the claim and then use “logos” to support it (Claim) The majority of social media users get bullied. (Logos) In fact, Scope magazine indicates that 58% …
Ethos Ethics / credibility example Convince the reader/listener you are honest and intelligent Establish 1st hand experience OR someone you know Establish that you have thoroughly researched the topic Example: Believe me! I’ve been there before. I’m just like you.
*Good strategy for the conclusion Kairos Urgency Example Build a sense of urgency so your reader/listener feels they MUST act NOW! *Good strategy for the conclusion Example: This is a one-time offer. You can’t get this price after today.
Cite RESPECTED experts OR famous people who support your claim Big Names Cite experts example Cite RESPECTED experts OR famous people who support your claim Doctors, lawyers, government officials, professionals in their field of study Einstein, Bill Gates, George Washington