CI804 Wichita State University May 3, 2012 The Effects of Repeated Reading Instruction on Oral Reading Fluency: Technology Intervention by Lana Titus CI804 Wichita State University May 3, 2012
Outline of Presentation: Literature Review Research Question Methodology Results Discussion Conclusion References
Introduction Literacy is the point at which learning begins Relationship between early reading problems and later academic success Elementary reading focus on BIG 5 When students fail at reading, they dislike it Less reading experiences due to struggles Early identification & intervention are key
Oral Reading Fluency Fluency: ability to read text with… Accuracy: correct word identification Automaticity: speed Prosody: expression Complex and gradually changing skill “…Fluency should be a central part of any reading program” (Conderman & Strobel, 2008, p. 15) Ample time of actual text reading for students This will lead to more proficient and fluent readers When students are fluent readers… Less effort on decoding More focus on understanding text
How to Help Quality classroom education Administrators & teachers must assist: Identification Implementation Evaluation Effective research-based interventions Skills-based interventions Involve reading skill instruction Sight word drills, passage preview, repeated readings Performance-based interventions Incorporate rewards, consequences, or verbal praise & feedback
Repeated Readings Student rereads a specific passage out loud to adult or peer tutor Allows for practice of learned skills while developing fluency Improves decoding, reading rate, and expression Essential components: Read out loud to adult or peer tutor Reread until performance criterion is reached Immediate feedback Performance passages are best Poetry, riddles, jokes, scripts, & dialogues Short and complete idea or story
Repeated Reading Interventions Examples: readers theater, passage preview, multisensory, etc. Small-group instruction Decreased group size Focus on deficient & similar needs at their speed Assess frequently, adjusting groups as needed Peer-coaching Heterogeneous grouping Modeled, choral & unison reading Independent level Enjoy working with a peer
Interventions Continued… Technology Modern & fun way to catch their attention Focused practice on difficult skills Easily adapted Facilitation of repetitive practice Motivating to students Immediate response to show progress
Research Question: What is the effect of repeated reading, through the use of technology, on the oral reading fluency of first grade students? Students will be utilizing Ipod touches to record their voices as they read passages.
Methodology Participants: 19 first grade students Rural primary school (Pre K- 2) Title One reading 8 male & 11 female 4 special education 5 Title One 5 speech & language 16 participated in daily core instruction 2 reading in resource room
Methodology Strategy: Monday: Tuesday – Thursday: Friday: Pretest Good reader characteristics review Ipod explaination & practice Tuesday – Thursday: Whole-group core reading instruction then centers Small-group reading lesson with Ipods Review Ipod procedures Self charting demonstration Read independent level passage while recording Listen to recording 2 more repeated readings with recording of same passage Listen to repeated readings Complete charting procedures of student results Friday: Posttest
Results All made positive gains in ORF A - J are females, K - P are males Average WPM gain for females was 18.9 Average WPM gain for males was 22.5 2 females had gains of 10 or less, 3 with gain between 11 and 20, & 5 with gain of 21 or higher 1 male had a gain of 10 or lower, 2 with gains between 11 and 20, & 3 with a gain of 21 or higher.
ORF Gain Results
Discussion Process went smooth Students excited to hear improvements of their “good reading” voices Charting was motivating ORF gains were made by all participants Males began with lowest fluency scores, also made largest gains on average 5 females had gains of 21 points or higher 3 males made similar gains
Conclusion Any questions?? The investigation of repeated readings showed to be successful in increasing the oral reading fluency of first grade students. The intervention of technology was effective, fun, engaging, and motivating to the children. Any questions??
Recommendations More practice sessions for the students prior to beginning the study Alternate fewer readers at a time: 2 students read while 2 are listening to recordings Extend the duration of the study Use of a different cold read for posttest
References: Lo, Y.-Y., Cooke, N. L., & Starling, A. L. P. (2011). Using a repeated reading program to improve generalization of oral reading fluency. Education and Treatment of Children, 34(1), 115-140. Begeny, J. C., Krouse, H. E., Ross, S. G., & Mitchell, R. C. (2009, Summer). Increasing elementary-aged students' reading fluency with small-group interventions: A comparison of repeated reading, listening passage preview, and listening only strategies. J Behavior Education, 18(3), 211-228. Marr, M. B., Algozzine, B., Kavel, R. L., & Keller Dugan, K. (2010, Summer). Implementing peer coaching fluency building to improve early literacy skills. Reading Improvement, 47(2), 74-91. Hasselbring, T. (2012, March). Five reasons readers need technology. Educational Leadership, 69(6). Retrieved from leadership/mar12/vol69/num06/Five-Reasons-Readers-Need- Technology.aspx