“Highway Robbery!” Hebrews 11:8-10; 17-19
Want to begin with a series of questions that will properly introduce our text…
…His people, the Jews were being accused of common highway robbery.
…some people accuse religious institutions of “always talking about money.” There is some justification for such an accusation…
This is but one example of what some electronic churches are forever pressing with the gimmicks in raising more funds… Billy James Hargis (tele-preacher)
PURPOSE: to grow in our understanding of how we might be more trustworthy stewards of God’s money
I God is Being ROBBED A. The Owner of All Things
Make no mistake concerning this fact: God owns it all…
I God is Being ROBBED A. The Owner of All Things B. The Knower of All Things
Isaiah 40:26 “Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these stars; the One who leads forth their host by number. He calls them all by name; because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power. Not one of them is missing.”
Point: nothing escapes the eye of the Lord!
I God is Being ROBBED A. The Owner of All Things B. The Knower of All Things C. The Judge of All Things
God promised JUSTICE… Stewardship will be an area God will judge…
II HOW God is Being Robbed A. By an Improper Spirit in Man’s Giving B. By an Improper Portion in Giving
1/10th of one’s gross earnings is the Lord’s and is the beginning mark of giving for Christians…
III WHO is Robbing God A. The Whole World B. The Church (The Body of Christ)
Conclusion and Summary Thus, again we ask is Christianity a cheap thing? How important is it? What’s it really worth? Did it cost much to bring it into existence? Is it costing you more than what it is worth?... The point is obvious. For too long and for too much we have all been guilty of highway robbery. We have withheld from the Lord and His Church. Let’s put our money where our mouth is!