TB in South Africa
The incidence of SS+ tuberculosis plotted against the prevalence of HIV for African countries in 2001 SS+ incidence/100k/yr Prevalence of HIV (%)
The notification of all tuberculosis cases plotted against the prevalence of HIV for South African provinces in 2001
The notification of all tuberculosis (South Africa) cases plotted against the prevalence of HIV over time: 1996 - 2001
The notification of all tuberculosis (Western Cape) cases plotted against the prevalence of HIV over time: 1996 - 2001
The notification of all tuberculosis (KZN) cases plotted against the prevalence of HIV over time: 1996 - 2001
The notification of all tuberculosis (Eastern Cape) cases plotted against the prevalence of HIV over time: 1996 - 2001
The notification of all tuberculosis (Free State) cases plotted against the prevalence of HIV over time: 1996 - 2001
HIV prevalence among women attending ante-natal clinics and TB notification rates in Nairobi, Kenya Year HIV prevalence TB notifications/100k 6 yr
HIV prevalence among women attending ante-natal clinics and TB notification rates in South Africa