EU Maritime Policy and coastal flooding: “Study on economic impact of climate change adaptation in coastal areas” Martin Fernandez Díez-Picazo DG MARE European Commission 3rd Meeting of Working Group F on Floods Brussels, 17 April 2008
Index EU Integrated Maritime Policy and coastal risks Study on the costs of climate change adaptation policies in coastal areas
EU Integrated Maritime Policy Integrated Maritime Policy Package: Blue Paper – October 10th, 2007 Communication: Consultation report Communication: Vision document Action Plan Impact Assessment Council Conslusions, December 2007 EP, CoR reports in 2008
EU Integrated Maritime Policy Action Plan Reference Timing 2.1 Action towards integration of Maritime Affairs across the EU 2008-2009 2.2 Regulatory obstacles 2008 2.3 Collective learning – exchange of best practice 3.1 Surveillance Activities 2007-2009 3.2 Maritime Spatial Planning and integrated coastal zone management 3.3 European Marine Observation and Data Network 2008 2009 4.1 Development of multi-sectoral clusters and regional centres of maritime excellence October 2007 4.2 Maritime Transport 4.3 Strengthening careers and employment; the maritime sectors (a) Promotion of employment for Seafarers (b) Qualifications of seafarers (c) Exclusions of maritime professions from EU social legislation and working conditions 2007-2010
Action Plan Reference Timing 4.4 Ports policy 2007-2008 4.5 Air Pollution by Ships 2008-2010 4.6 Ship dismantling 2008 4.7 Action on marine-based energy infrastructures and resources 2009 4.8 Action on developing the situation of fishermen at sea 2008-2009 4.9 Implementation of the Eco-System Approach in European Fisheries (a) Strengthening the implementation of the Eco-System Approach; the Common Fisheries Policy (b) Implementation of a policy to progressively eliminate discards; European fisheries 4.10 Proposals on the protection of fisheries resources in international waters (a) Action to eliminate Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing 2007 (b) Action on Destructive Fishing Practices 5.1 European Marine and Maritime Research 6.1 Provision of information on Community projects in coastal regions and their funding 6.2 Europe’s Outermost Regions and Islands
Action Plan Reference Timing 6.3 Action on Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change (a) Action on risk reduction policies and their economic impacts; coastal regions (b) Carbon Capture and Storage 2007-2009 6.4 Sustainable Maritime Tourism 2007 6.5 Improving Socio-Economic Data for maritime sectors and maritime regions 2009 7.1 The EU's profile in international fora and relations with partners 2008 7.2 Inclusion of Maritime Policy objectives in dialogue with third countries sharing regional seas 7.3 Report on strategic issues for the EU relating to the Arctic Ocean 7.4 Action for the Protection of the High Seas 8.1 European Maritime Day, Annual Report, Awards and awareness campaigns 8.2 European Atlas of the Seas 8.3 Making information publicly available on Commission proposals on Maritime Affairs ongoing
EU Maritime Policy and climate change A Strategy to mitigate the effects of Climate Change on coastal regions: EU Strategy on climate change adaptation. Community Disaster Prevention Strategy Study on the economic costs of adaptation policies in coastal regions A European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research: Strengthening the interdisciplinary approach to marine science, Support research to predict, mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change. Proposals to diminish air pollution caused by ships, Implementation of EMODNET and development of Maritime Spatial Planning and ICZM Report on strategic issues relating to the Arctic Ocean. Study on the economic costs of adaptation policies in coastal regions
Study on climate change adpatation in coastal areas Vulenrability of coastal areas (floods) Climate change impacts and damages Coastal protection and adaptation plans Costs and benefits Economic and financial dimension
Study on the Economic costs of risk reduction and adaptation policies in coastal areas 1. Literature overview on cc vulnerability, adaptation policies and costs Analysis existing research and technical reports from academia and private sector Feed-back from other Commission’s studies. July 2008 2. Data collection on adaptation plans, expenditures and budgets at national and subnational level Data on past expenditures Gathering of plans Data on future foreseen costs Data on budget allocation Workshop at national level: October 2008 Workshop at subnational level: Feb 09
Study on the Economic costs of risk reduction and adaptation policies in coastal areas 3. Economic and financial analysis Past and future costs. Costs of inaction Budget distribution Cost-benefit models Best practices determination and analysis Disparities among regions Indicators, graphs, maps Draft report: Mars 2009. Final report: May 2009 4. Presentation of results Two workshops with experts at national and sub-national level Presentation of report Up to three conferences around Maritime Week. Maritime Week: 20 May 2009
Possible Outcome: Duration: 14 months Start: April 2008 Field research in 15 coastal MS. 2 workshops with experts Contributions more than welcome
Study economic costs cc adaptation coastal areas Suggestions, remarks, comments? Sources of information? Costs of flood management in coastal areas? Cost-benefit analysis?
Thank you very much!