What is the best price: Unit Rate by: Courtney Lourens
How to solve a unit rate problem- The Question: Step 1 First- you want to find out what you are looking for. Ex. Susan bought 3 different cans of hair spray. Pantene, consort, and professional.
Step 2 Second- look at the question and find out the prices of each item Ex. Pantene was 3 for 5.30 dollars Consort was 6 for Professinal was 2 for 4.50
Step 3 Third- You want to find the unit rate. Ex. Pantene was 3 for divided by 3= 1.76 Consort was 6 for divided by 6= 2.08 Professional was 2 for divided by 2= 2.25
The unit rate Forth- multiply your unit rate by what ever number you are give. Ex. Pantene was x 5= 8.80
The process First- question Second- find the price Third- find the price