Letters and Sounds in Reception Welcome Letters and Sounds in Reception
What we do? Teach the children 3 sounds a week Practice daily in literacy and in a discrete phonics lesson Re-enforce through all writing Read with the children twice a week
What can you do? Hear your child read every night. Practice letters and sounds in the yellow book every night Encourage name and letter writing
The Cow The cow mainly moos as she chooses to moo And she chooses to moo as she chooses. She furthermore chews as she chooses to chew and she chooses to chew as she muses. If she chooses to moo she may moo to amuse or may moo just to moo as she chooses. If she chooses to chew she may moo as she chews or may chew just to chew as she muses. Jack Prelutsky
Letters and sounds
Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p Set 2: i n m d Set 3: g o c k Set 4: j e u r
Set 5: h b f,ff Set 5: l,ll ss ck
Magic Pen In the air On the floor On body parts e.g. backs- your own and on somebody else ....................
Next week……. Further sounds – strategies to read and write them Reading and writing words
THANK YOU for coming Any Questions?