Territorial development in Harghita county


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Presentation transcript:

Territorial development in Harghita county Gábor Kelemen Harghita County Council Szeged, 25 April 2013

Location Location Romania is structured in 41 counties Harghita: in the middle of Romania, at the eastern border of Transylvania Total population: 324.419 (2011) Surface: 6639 km2, 2,8% of the country. Rural population: 56.1 % The capital of Harghita county is Csíkszereda (Miercurea-Ciuc). (42,487 inhabitants) 85% Hungarians (Szeklers), 14% Romanians and 1% other nationalities.

Ethnic region of Szeklerland territories inhabited by the Szeklers, a Hungarian people living in Eastern Transylvania, centre of present-day Romania. autonomous region until its role was replaced by the county system. approximately 670,000 Szeklers in three counties (Hargita/Harghita, Kovászna/Covasna, and Maros/Mureș) Resources: Mineral water springs Woodlands Eco-agriculture Active tourism Ecotourism Rural tourism Hungarians in Romania

Economic Overview Main economic activities: wood processing printing industry garment production food processing agriculture tourism

Economic Overview Main economic activities (2010)

Basic economic figures The number of economically active people in 2007 was 143.000. proportion of working age population: 69% unemployment rate: 8,9 % (2010) Average income: 1064 RON (approx 230 EUR) (2012) County Share in the regional GDP (2008) Alba 15,24% Brașov 29,21% Covasna 6,93% Harghita 10,42% Mureș 18,84% Sibiu 19,35% Central Region: 12% the GDP of Romania Per Capita GDP in Harghita (2010): 4308 EUR

Territorial development in Romania Basis: Member state regulations and EU legislation Basic documents of the territorial development The Spatial Planning of National Territory, National Development Plan, National Strategic Reference Framework, National Rural Development Program General Regulation of Urban Areas Territorial Development Strategy of Romania / only a concept The Spatial Planning of specific Areas - The Spatial Planning of Regions – Regional Development Strategy County Spatial Plan - County Development Plan General Urban Plan Zonal Urban Plans – Integrated Urban Development Plan, Local Rural Development Strategy – depending on EU sources Detailed Urban Plans – Local Development Plans, IUDP “Planning type” system of documents (more technical)

Territorial development in Romania Objectives stipulated by Romanian legislation concerning Territorial Development (conform ESDP) Concentration of development in urban growth poles Development of urban networks Fostering the urban-rural solidarity Consolidation of the connections through the Carpathians Good management of natural and cultural heritages

System of the territorial administration Central bodies Local Authorities: county level and community level The government has indirect regulation and financial tools to influence the local level Lack of hierarchical connections at local level (CC without regulatory authority) Informal influence of county councils: county roads, sources for territorial balancing Dependence on external sources at local level Partnerships are not encouraged

Territorial development in Romania Problems: Without administrative organizational background the planning system cannot work properly The EU planning principles are incorporated formally in a dysfunctional system Limited possibilities of the local level – expanding responsibilities without the increase of development sources, the own sources are low Most of the plans are not connected to sources, tools and dedicated administrative structures Even if they exist, the planning period was too short for a effective development (IUDP) The use of EU funds is separate from the national planning system – the absorption is more important The requirements of the EU RD policy are adopted but without special country tailored content – the planning system can not function properly

Regional Development in Romania Only one ROP Objective: Reduce the differences among regions, but Only 29,4% of the convergence objective to the ROP Only 19% of the sources of the cohesion policy Distribution of RD sources was not by GDP/capita No territorial aspects in distribution of funds Overweight of sectorial OPs The ROP is more efficient in absorption of funds Formal development policy documents are elaborated but ad hoc implementation

Regional Policy in Romania Summarizing: There are no strategies, tools to realize the TA objectives at member state level The objectives are declared in legislation Formal partnerships, top-down The subsidiarity is reciprocal The regional level is empty Lack of competence at local level The legislation was not put in practice The additionality is reverse (member state sources are added to EU objectives) member state regional policy doesn’t exist

Regional Policy in Romania Consequences: The polarization is bigger than in other countries The regional differences are growing (GDP/capita, incomes, inhabitants, R&D, etc.) The development is on wrong way The differences are growing inside of the regions The system of settlements is changing dynamically Problems with the regions – the development programs are not as effective on territories as should The developed regions and countries are the winners

Regional OP – GDP/capita 2000   40-50 50-65 65-80 80-95 95-110 110-125 125-140 140-155 155-170 170+ 2010   40-50 50-65 65-80 80-95 95-110 110-125 125-140 140-155 155-170 170+

Regional OP Funds concentrating in more developed regions More funds to the regions capital and its surrounding Business development funds to more developed regions Tourism development in urban counties

Hargita County Council elected authority of county public administration, based on the principles of local autonomy, decentralization of public services, legality and citizen’s consultation regarding local problems of main interest. Responsibilities: coordination of the local council’s activities (municipalities, towns and villages) public services contributes to the local economic growth by means of development programs

Development Plans and Strategies of Harghita county The Spatial Planning of the County Spatial Planning of specific areas Economic Development Strategy Tourism Development Strategy Agricultural and Rural Development Strategy The territorial development strategy of the county is missing!

Economic development programs Fostering the business environment: Establishment of local SME associations Business incubation center Agro-industrial park network: planning in progress: agro-industrial activities, research, development and innovation activities involving foreign institutions, investors and experts.  Tourism development: Marketing TDM organizations Development of infrastructure (access and security)

Economic development programs Agricultural and rural development: Promotion of local products - Szekler community trademark Promote the associations of producers Marketing and fairs Internationalization of local products – approaching new markets

Regional OP in Harghita Development of: Roads Social infrastructure Educational infrastructure Less project in: Tourism Business development Business environment Foster environmental spirit? Raise of employment? More added value? What about the economies of scale?